- March
- March 23,2016 SRC Special Seminar "Filming the terror
in USSR"
March 15-17,2016
Workshop & Seminar "New Approaches to the Medieval Slavic Texts"
- March 14-18,2016SRC Special Seminar "Две лекции
проф. А.Д. Дуличенко по славянской микрофилолоrии" (Language:Russian)
- March 3,2106 UBRJ Seminar: BOOK TALK "Reproductive
States: Global Perspectives on the Invention and Implementation of Population Policy"
- February
- February 27,2016 International Seminar "Current Change
from Cooperation into Confrontation? : Security Environment in the Arctic Region"
- February 19,2016 SRC Special Seminar "Semiotics of Yuri
Lotman as Cultural Theory: in the Case of Russian and Korean Cultures"
- February 4, 2016 Joint Seminar of Hokkaido University and
University of World Economy and Diplomacy (Uzbekistan)
- January
- January 25,2016 Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Arctic
Research Center and Graduate School of Environmental Science Co-hosted Seminar “Comparative Analysis
of Trends in the Development of the World Northern Cities and Russia” (Language:English )
- January 27,2016
SRC Special Seminar "От авангардного взрыва - к военному" Language: in Russian
- December
- December 24,2015 SRC Seminar "Межрегиональные связи
мусульман Российской империи во второй половине XIX- начале XXвв. (на примере семьи Яушевых). "
- December 16,2015 SRC Seminar "Язык и культура после
Чернобыля: проблемы сохранения и исследования"
- December 10-11,2015 SRC Winter International & SRC
60th Anniversary Symposium "Between History and Memory: Connecting the Generations at SRC 60"
- December 9, 2015 Pre-symposium Seminar “Colonial Revolt and
State-Society Relations: Russian Central Asia and British India Compared”
- December 9,2015 Pre-symposium “Middle-Eastern
Migration/Refugees and European Integration from Eurasian viewpoints”
- December 2,2015, SRC Seminar "Таджикские трудовые
мигранты в Москве: Адаптация к новым реалиям и трансформация традиционных ценностей"
- November
- November 28,2015, Central Eurasian Studies Seminar
"Legal Pluralism in Imperial Crimea, Middle Volga, and Kazakh Steppe"
- November 18, 2015, SRC Special Seminar "Alexander
Serov and the Birth of the Russian Modern"
- November 19,2015, UBRJ Seminar "India and the Asian
Balance of Power"
- November 6, 2015, New Documents and Perspectives on Chiune
Sugihara: Results of Russo-Japanese Cooperative Research (In Russian)
- October
- October 14,2015, SRC Special Seminar "Покидая милый
СССР". Альбомы благодарности японских военнопленных как документ эпохи
- Septmber
- September 18,2015, Hokkaido University Arctic Research
Center / Slavic-Eurasian Research Center Co-hosted seminar
"Governance of the Arctic: What Future Do We See?"
- September 7,2015, SRC Seminar "The Experience of Polish
Exile: the Case of Joseph Wittlin"
- September 7,2015, Special SRC Seminar"Resentment and
Re-organization: Anti-westernism for Conservative Social Control in Hungary" ,"Vision of
self/other in constructing new Eurasia"
- August
- August 31, 2015, SRC Lunchtime Seminar”China’s “One Belt,
One Road” Strategy and Xinjiang: Impressions from the Conference Trip to Urumqi and Beijing”
- August 27, 2015, UBRJ Seminar "The Russian Far East:
Integrating with China or the Asia-Pacific?"
- August 13, 2015, SRC Seminar "How Yiddish and Romani
can contribute to Slavic and German historical linguistics?"
- August 10, 2015, SRC Seminar "The Maintenance and
Revitalization of Lower Sorbian and the Fate of the Lower Sorbian Dialects"
- August 10, 2015, SRC Seminar "The Martial Art of
Nonstandard Language: “Boyovyj Surzhyk” in the Construction of Ukrainian Identity"
- August 1, 2015, International Joint Workshop "Memories of
Socialism and Today:Religion, Politics, and Nationalism.”
- July
- July 30-31, 2015, Summer International Symposium "Russia
and Global History"
- July 29,2015, Junior Scholars’ Session "Russia and the USSR
as Destinations for Mobile Muslim Intellectuals in the First Half of the Twentieth Century"
- July 21,2015, SRC Seminar "Minority Language Survival
in the Globalized World: The Kalmyk Experience"
- July 13,2015, UBRJ Seminar "Southeast Asian Borders:
Looking at the Thailand's Northern Borderlands"
- June
- June 15, 2015, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center and Arctic
Research Center Co-hosted Seminar “Indigenous Land Rights in the Russian Federation: A Quarter
Century Onward” (Language:English)
- April
- April 20,2015 ,UBRJ Seminar"Тихоокеанская Россия в контексте
интересов и политики России в АТР в начал е 21 века"(Language:Russian)

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