- Conferences and Seminars
- ≪March≫
- March 29, SRC Special Seminar"Semiotics of
Interlinguistic Contacts in the Present-day Polish"
- March 29, SRC Special Seminar"Identity at the Borders
of Closely-Related Ethnic Groups - the Case in the Polish-Czech-Slovak Triangle"
- March 28, International Workshop A Joint Research Project of
the Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University"Economic growth of economies in
transition in comparison: from the perspectives of value added generation and productivity"
- March 27 SRC Special Seminar "Powstawanie tożsamości
etnicznej we współczesnej Europie Środkowej - przykład Śląska"
- March 24 SRC Special Seminar "Macedonian Language
Tendencies in Balkan Context"
- March 20 SRC Spcial Seminar ”The Aromanian and its contacts
with Macedonian **(from Balkan perspective)”
- March 16-18 Slavic philology Symposium
The Story of Akir the Wise: A New Approach to the Medieval Slavic Literature
- March 9, SRC Special Seminar
"Антисоветские повстанческие движения на Мангышлаке (Казахстан) и Каракумах (Тур кменистан) в
апреле-сентябре 1931 г. " (Language:Russian)
- ≪February≫
- February 26, SRC Special Seminar “Nation Building in
Central Asia: Kyrgyzstan between Manas and Kurmandjan-Datka”
- February 4, SRC Special Seminar "To Standardize, Or Not
To Standardize – That Is The Question"
- February 3rd Workshop “The East Slovak Literary Language: A
Sealed Past or a Future Possibility?”
- ≪January≫
- January 31 International Seminar “Sustainable Development
of the Russian Far North and the Arctic” [Registration from the web page]
- January 30-31, Slavic Minorities and their (Literary)
Languages in the European Context and Beyond: the Current Situation and Critical Challenges
- January 22, SRC Special Lecture "Фитрат в
- ≪December≫
- December 17-18, International Workshop for the 4th Amur-Ohotsk Consortium Meeting
- December 6,2014 SRC/IREEES Joint Conference "Where Did
Ukraine Come From? Where Is Ukraine Heading For?"
- December 4-5,2014 Winter International Symposium
"Border Power!: Crosscutting Forces at Play in Eurasia"
- ≪November≫
- ≪October≫
- October 29,2014 SRC Seminar
- October 7,2014 SRC Seminar ”Conflicting Historical
Interpretations of World War II and their Effect on the Present Ukrainian Crisis”
- October 2,2014 SRC Seminar
"From Steppe Conflict to Imperial Contest: The First Russian Designs on the Ottoman Levant,
- ≪September≫
- September 28, 2014 International Symposium:Images of East
European Literature:The Variable and Invariable in the Past and Present
- September 19,2014 SRC Special Seminar
- ≪August ≫
- August 26, 2014 Slavic Research Seminar (2014)
"Seeing History: Photo and Film as a Primary Archival Source"
- ≪July ≫
- July 30, East-Central European Workshop " Turkey as a
regional power and her role in the Middle East and Slavic Eurasia "
- July 26, 2014 SRC Seminar “Analysis on Socialist and
Post-Socialist Economies: Dialog between Japanese and Korean Researchers”
- July 19, SRC Seminar “Economic Development of Regional
Powers in Eurasia: Dialog between Researchers of Russia and India”
Co-organized by a Grant in Aid for Scientific Research (B)“The Internationalization of Japanese
Firms and Industrial Dynamics in India”
- July 13-16, Japan-Thai
Research Seminar at SRC in Sapporo
- July 10-11, 2014 Summer International Symposium
"Thirty Years of Crisis: Empire, Violence, and Ideology in Eurasia from the First to the Second
World War"
- July 7, 2014 The 2nd seminar of Research Network with North
Eurasia will be held as follow.
- ≪June ≫
- June 27-28, The
6th East Asian Conference on Slavic Eurasian Studies
- June 1 8Polish ambassador public lecture "Geopolitical
significance of Poland"
- ≪May ≫
- May 27 East-Central European Workshop "Southeastern Europe
from Hungarian perspective"
- ≪April ≫

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