- Comparative Studies on Regional Powers No.14
"Regional Routes, Regional Roots? Cross-Border Patterns of Human Mobility in
- Slavic Eurasia Papers no. 6 "The
Multilingual Society Vojvodina:Intersecting Borders,Cultures and Identites"[Publication](2014.3.14)
- March 17
Aleksanteri Institute Research Seminar"Development of the Russian Arctic Areas"
- Slavic Eurasian Studies No.26 "Slavic and German in
Contact: Studies from Areal and Contrastive Linguistics"[Publication](2014.3.3)
- March 22 GCOE-SRC Special Seminar "Serbian Language Today:
the Main Issues"[Conference&Seminars](2014.2.11)
- February 5 SRC-FFUB Joint Workshop on Serbian Linguistics
"The Serbian Language as Viewed by the East and the West: Diachrony, Synchrony and
- January 23 SRC Special
- The 6th East Asian Conference on Slavic
Eurasian Studies will be held in Seoul, on June 27-28! – Call for
- December 21 SRC/IREEES Joint Symposium "Modern as the
Past: Russian Modernism Viewed from the 21st Century"[Conference&Seminars](2013.12.21)
- December 16 An Offshoot Seminar of the Winter
Symposium"The Art of Not Saying Things: History as
- December 15 An Offshoot Seminar of the Winter
Symposium"Historiography of the Post-Soviet Central
- November 21 Memorial Seminar at HU by Mr. Horoshavin the
Governer of Sakhalin, RUS[Conference&Seminars](2013.11.12)
- January 31 GCOE-SRC Special Seminar"What's In a Language
Name? The Case of Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin, and
- December 12-14, 2013 Winter International Symposium
"Catastrophi and Resurrection"[Conference&Seminars](2013.10.30)
- November 7, "Russian Elections and Manipulation of the
Election Results" [Conference&Seminars](2013.10.28)
- October 28, Slavic Research Seminar "Ashes for the
Spiteful Phoenix: Peculiarities of Belarusian Authoritarianism and Its Influence on Regime Dynamics in
Russia and Ukraine"[Conference&Seminars](2013.10.2)
- October 20, The Achievements of Bronisław Piłsudski –a ‘Polish’
Ainu Researcher On the Occasion of Unveiling His Monument in
- September 12, International Symposium «Modernities Scrutinized:
Finland, Japan and Russia in comparison» (Helsinki)[Conference&Seminars](2013.9.19)
- September 3, Research Seminar "Oncothermia"
- August 14, "SRC Seminar How Is the History of Russia and
the USSR Studied in China?" [Conference&Seminars](2013.7.25)
- August 11-12, International Workshop "Slavic in the
Language Map of Europe: Questions of Areal Typology[Conference&Seminars](2013.7.23)
- Fellowships Application 2014-2015 [Application](2013.7.19)
- Acta Slavica Iaponica No.33 (2013) [Publication](2013.7.11)
- July 22, SRC Spcial Lecture “Imperial Pathways: Africa and
Russia in the 20th Century”[Conference&Seminars](2013.7.5)
- August 2-3, SRC/GCOE Summer Symposium “Border
Studies: Challenges and Perspectives in the Twenty-first Century”
- August 9-10, 5th East Asian Congress for Slavic Eurasian Studies in
- 29 мая 2013 г., Научный семинар «Японские военнопленные в
Карагандинской области»[Conference

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