Junior Scholars’ Session
Time and Date: 16:30-18:15, July 29, 2015
Russia and the USSR as Destinations for Mobile Muslim Intellectuals in the First Half of the Twentieth Century
Venue: Room 403, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (SRC), Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan |
Noriko UNNO-YAMAZAKI (Tokyo University)
“Between the Qing Dynasty and the Russian Empire: Dungans and Uyghurs in Central Asia in the 1910s”
Masato TORIYA (Sophia University)
“Indian Muslims and the Soviet Union in the 1910s and 1920s: The Case of Ẓafar Ḥasan Āibak’s Āp Bītī”
Ryosuke ONO (Keio University)
“Turkestan Seen from an Émigré Turcologist: Zeki Velidi Togan, Yeni Türkistan, and His Letters (1927-1932)”
Chair: |
Tomohiko Uyama (SRC) |
Thursday, July 30 |
10:00–10:15 |
Opening Remarks |
10:15–12:15 |
Session 1 Between Imperialism and Colonialism: Imperial Rivalry and Politics on the Ground |
David Schimmelpenninck van der Oye (Brock University, Canada)
“The Kashgar Question Yakub Beg and Sino-Russian Relations, 1875-1878”
Alexander Morrison (Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan)
“Competitive Emulation and Anglo-Russian Rivalry in the Conquest of Central Asia”
Paul du Quenoy (American University of Beirut, Lebanon/ SRC)
“Showered with Privileges by Our Government': Russian Self-Presentation to Muslim Communities in Ottoman Syria”
Discussant: |
Yasu’o Mizobe (Meiji University) |
Chair: |
Tomohiko Uyama (SRC) |
13:45–15:45 |
Session 2 Cross-cultural Stimulation: Russia’s Globalizing Economy |
Ekaterina Pravilova (Princeton University, USA)
“Not by Bread Alone: Russia and the Global Market of Cultural Goods”
Igor Khristoforov (Higher School of Economics, Russia)
“Professors and Bankers: Russian Economic Thought and the Formation of the Modern Financial System in the Nineteenth Century”
Yukimura Sakon (Niigata University)
“Great Game of Tea: Russian Tea Trade in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries”
Discussant: |
Shigeru Akita (Osaka University) |
Chair: |
Shinichiro Tabata (SRC) |
16:00–18:00 |
Session 3 Russia at the Crossroads:Human Mobility Across Empires |
Willard Sunderland (University of Cincinnati, USA)
“Built to Move: Trades and Technologies of Worldliness in the Eighteenth Century”
Philippa Hetherington (University of Sydney, Australia)
“Laboratory of Migration: Historicizing Mobility in the Black Sea Region”
Norihiro Naganawa (SRC)
“Russia’s Place in the Global Muslim Connections, ca. 1800-1930: Sufism, Nationalism, and Anti-Imperialism”
Discussant: |
Hidemitsu Kuroki (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) |
Chair: |
So Yamane (Osaka University) |
Friday, July 31 |
9:30-10:15 |
Special Seminar: Empire and Technology |
Marsha Siefert (Central European University, Hungary)
“Telecommunications Rivalries in the Russian Borderlands before 1914”
Chair: |
Norihiro Naganawa (SRC) |
10:30-12:30 |
Session 4 Divided Communities: Russian Revolution and the World |
Boris Kolonitsky (European University at St. Petersburg, Russia)
“The February Revolution of 1917 as a World Revolution”
David McDonald (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
Taro Tsurumi (Saitama University)
“Russian Jews after the Imperial Collapse, East and West”
Discussant: |
Satoshi Mizutani (Doshisha University) |
Chair: |
Kiyohiro Matsudo (Hokkai-Gakuen University) |
13:45-15:45 |
Session 5 A Wide Arc of Activity: The Soviets’ Transformative Role in the Interwar East |
Samuel J. Hirst (European University at St. Petersburg, Russia)
“National Economics: Soviet-Turkish Trade in the Interwar Period”
Yaroslav Shulatov (Hiroshima City University)
“Japan’s Place in Soviet Far Eastern Policy during the 1920s”
Sören Urbansky (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany)
“‘The Border is under Lock and Key’: Ritualistic Reaffirmations of the Manchurian-Soviet Border during Times of Conflict”
Discussant: |
Harumi Goto-Shibata (Tokyo University) |
Chair: |
Tetsuro Chida (SRC) |
16:00-18:00 |
Session 6 Cold War and Decolonization: The Soviets’ Role in the Postwar East |
Masha Kirasirova (New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE)
“Soviet Aftershocks of Iran’s 1953 Coup”
Artemy M. Kalinovsky (University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
“"A Torch Lighting the Way to Progress and Civilization:" Soviet Central Asia as a Model of Development ”
Jun Fujisawa (Waseda University)
“In Pursuit of Natural Resources: The CMEA Policy of “Coordination” in the Developing Countries”
Discussant: |
Ichiro Maekawa (Soka University) |
Chair: |
Manabu Sengoku (SRC) |
International Joint Workshop
Time and Date: 9:30-13:10, 1 Aug, 2015 Room 401
"Memories of Socialism and Today:Religion, Politics, and Nationalism.”
9:30-9:35 |
Opening Remarks |
9:35-10:25 |
Ulrike Huhn
Departure in the Underground? Soviet ethnographers explore apocalyptic sectarians
10:25-11:15 |
Sanami Takahashi
“Saints in Soviet Russia: Keeping and Changing the Popular Faith ”
11:15-11:30 |
Coffee Break |
11:30-12:20 |
Irina Papkova “Collaborator and/or Martyred Church - Russian Orthodoxy (mis)remembers the Soviet Past” |
12:20-13:10 |
Nikolay Mitrokhin
“Проблемы изучения современной истории РПЦ 1940-х-2000-х годов”