
Forthcoming Conferences
Past Conference
SRC Regional
Powers Seminar (Group 2)
- Date & Time: November 7 (Wed.) 16:30-18:00
- Place: Slavic Research Center, 4th floor, Room 401
- Detail: Please see here
SRC Regional
Powers Seminar (Group 6)
- Date & Time: October 16 (Tue.) 16:30 -18:00
- Place: Slavic Research Center, 4th floor, Room 401
- Detail: Please see here
SRC Regional
Powers Seminar (Group 4)
- Date & Time: August 22(Wed), 2012, 16:00-17:30
- Place: Slavic Research Center, 4th floor, Room 401
- Detail: Please see here
Seminar "States, Nations and Secessionist Movements in Slavic Eurasia"
(Group 2)
- Date & Time: 4:30pm - 7:00pm, 9th July (Mon.) 2012
- Place: Room 702, Okuma Memorial Tower (Bldg. 26), Waseda University
- Detail: Please see here
Powers Seminar “Beyond the Contours of State” (Group 5)
- Date and Time: July 9 (Mon.)2012 , 13:30-17:00
- Place: The Consortium of Universites in Osaka
- Detail: Please see here
The Seventh
International Symposium
"From Empire to Regional Power, between State and Non-state"
- Date: July 4(Wed.)-6(Fri.), 2012
- Place: Hokkaido University, Slavic Research Center, 4th Floor, Room 403
- Detail: Please see here
SRC Regional
Powers Seminar(Group 4)
- Date & Time: June 19 (Tue.) 16:30-18:00
- Place: Room 401, 4th Floor, Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University
- Detail: Please see here
Adderss and Panel at the symposium "Economic and Financial System
Development in the Pacific- Rim Region" (Group 3)
- Date: 16-19 May, 2012
- Venue:Ala Moana Hotel (Honolulu)
- Detail: Please see here
Powers Seminar
- Date and Time: May 16 (Wed.)2012 , 16:00-18:00
- Place: Slavic Research Center, 4th Floor, Room 401
- Detail: Please see here
Powers Seminar
- Date and Time: April 28 (Sat.)2012 , 15:00-17:00
- Place: Slavic Research Center, 4th Floor, Room 401
- Detail: Please see here
Powers Seminar
- Date and Time:March 13 (Tue.),2012, 13:30 - 15:00
- Place: Slavic Research Center, 4th Floor, Room 403 & Room 401
- Detail: Please see here
Powers Seminar
- Date & Time: March 8 (Thu.),2012, 16:30-18:00
- Place: Slavic Research Center, 4th Floor, Room 401
- Detail: Please see here
The Regional
Powers Studies Workshop
"Mobile Peoples and Diasporas as Imperial Legacies"
- Date and Time:March 2 (Fri.),2012, 10:00 - 18:00
- Place: Slavic Research Center, 4th Floor, Room 403 & Room 401
- Detail: Please see here
Dialogue on Eurasia II: Relations with China
- Date & Time:Feb. 27, 2012: 9:30-18:00
- Venue:Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University
- Host:Slavic Research Center, Scientific Research Program on
Innovative Areas
“Comparative Research on Major Regional Powers in Eurasia,”
co-hosted by Global COE Program “Reshaping Japan’s Border Studies” - The Slavic Research Center and
the Scientific Research Program on Innovative Areas based at Hokkaido
University are honored to announce the continuation of the
“Indo-Japanese Dialogue on Eurasia II: Relations with China” forum in
Sapporo, Japan. In extension of the previous meeting held in Sapporo in
March 2011 titled, “Indo-Japanese Dialogue on Eurasia”, this second
meeting aims to further the dialogue on issues pertaining to the
Eurasian countries including Russia and Central Asia.
With a backdrop of various challenges confronting nations of the region including India and China, Japan’s alliance with neighbouring powers is of increasing importance. We believe that bringing together experts specializing in Eurasian politics, international relations and economics from the aforementioned countries will prove extremely beneficial by enabling the exchange of views and frank discussion on issues of concern, in particular Japan and India’s cooperation with China in reshaping Eurasia. Such a meeting should prove a useful tool in enhancing dialogue and in addition initiate an innovative area of Eurasian studies.
Those who would like to attend this forum please contact us via email beforehand.
- Program
9:30- Opening Address (planned)
10:00-12:30 Session 1 “International Relations and Political Alignment ”
- Chair: Akira Ishii (Tokyo University, Japan)
- Nandan Unnikrishnan (Observer Research Foundation, India)
- K. Warikoo (Jawaharlal Nehru University, India)
- Sanjay Kumar Pandey (Jawaharlal Nehru University, India)
- Gupta Rukmani (Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, India)
- Yang Cheng (East China Normal University, China)
- Yoshifumi Nakai (Gakushuin University, Japan)
- Osamu Yoshida (Hiroshima University, Japan)
- Shinji Hyodo (National Institute for Defense Studies, Japan)
13:30-15:30 Session 2 “Economy and Regional Order”
- Chair: Yuko Adachi (Sophia University, Japan)
- Arun Mohanty (Jawaharlal Nehru University, Eurasian Foundation, India)
- C. P. Chandrasekhar (Jawaharlal Nehru University, India)
- Li Zejian (Manufacturing Management Research Center, Japan)
- Christopher Len (Institute for Security and Development Policy, Sweden)
- Shinichiro Tabata (Slavic Research Center, Japan)
- Akira Uegaki (Seinangakuin University, Japan)
- Masashi Hoshino (Slavic Research Center, Japan)
16:00-18:00 Session 3 “Strategic Perspective and Future Dynamism” (Round Table)
- Chair: Akihiro Iwashita (Slavic Research Center, Japan)
- Monika Chansoria (Centre for Land Warfare Studies, India)
- H. S. Prabhakar (Jawaharlal Nehru University, India)
- Zhao Gancheng (Shanghai Institute for International Studies, China)
- Shinichi Ogawa (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan)
- Eiichi Katahara (National Institute for Defense Studies, Japan)
- Satoru Nagao (Gakushuin University, Japan)
18:00-18:30 Closing Remarks(planned)
- * The presentation order may be
changed based on the theme of presentation.
Powers Seminar
"Reform of the National Police in the Republic of Georgia since 2003:
Causes, Consequences, and Lessons"
- Date & Time: February 22 (Wed.) 2012, 17:00 - 18:30
- Place: Slavic Research Center, 4th Floor, Room 401
- Detail:Please see this site.
Seminar “The
End of Empires: Safavid and Ottoman Experiences”(Group 4)
- Date:January 22 (Sun.), 2012, 15:00-18:00
- Venue: 2nd Floor Lecture Room, Toyo Bunko (2-28-21 Honkomagome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo)
- Detail:Please see this site.
“Policing the Empire”(Group 4)
- Date:January 22 (Sun.), 2012, 15:00~
- Venue: Room 304, Building 9, Waseda Campus, Waseda University
- Detail:Please see this site.
Workshop “Decolonization and Empires”(Group 4)
- Date:January 22 (Sun.), 2012, 13:00-18:00
- Venue: Collaboration Room 1, Building 18, Komaba Campus, University of Tokyo
- Detail:Please see this site.
Powers Project and SRC Seminar
- Date & Time: January 21 (Saturday), 2012 10:30~12:00
- Title: Russia’s Informal Economy and Entrepreneurship
- Lecturer: Byung-Yeon Kim (Seoul National University)
- Place: Slavic Research Center, Room 401 (4th floor)
- Contact: TABATA Shinichiro ext.3797
The Sixth
International Symposium of Comparative Research on Major Regional
Powers in Eurasia
- Date: January 19 (Thu,) -20 (Fri.), 2012
- Place: Hokkaido University, Slavic Research Center, 4th Floor, Room 403
- Program: Please see this site.
The 5th
Indo-Japanese Dialogue on
“The BRICs as Regional Economic Powers in the Global Economy”
- Date & Time: December 26 (Mon.) - 27 (Tue.)
- Place: Jawaharlal Nehru University
- Program: Please see this site.
Asia Pacific
Security Seminar "The United States-Japan Alliance and Maritime
Security Challenges"
- Date & Time: December 6 (Tue.) 13:30-15:30
- Place: East-West Center in Washington, 1819 L Street, NW, Washington, DC, Sixth Floor Conference Room
- Program: Please see this site.
Regional Powers Seminar
- Date & Time: December 5 (Mon.), 16:00~17:30
- Title: "Perspectives on Natural Resource Security: Rare Metals and the Battle for Resources"
- Lecturer: David Abraham (Council on Foreign Relations Fellow based at Tokyo University)
- Place: Slavic Research Center, 4th Floor, Room 401
Regional Powers
Seminar "China, Russia, and the Existing World Order:
Seeking to Overthrow the Status Quo or Merely Pursuing Advantage within
- Date & Time: November 21 (Mon.) 3:00pm - 6:00pm
- Place:George Washington University, Lindner Family Commons, 1957 E Street NW, Room 602
- For more details please see here.
Conference on Slavic Linguistics: Grammaticalization and Lexicalization
in Slavic Languages
- Date: November 11(Fri.)-13(Sun.)
- Place: Hokkaido University, Slavic Research Center, 4th Floor, Room 403
- Program: Please see this site.
Conference "Comparative Aspects on Culture and Religion: India, Russia,
China" (Group 6)
- Date: September 15-16, 2011
- Venue: Seminar room, CSCS (Center for the Study of Culture and Society), Bangalore, India
- Detail: Please see this site.
The Fifth
International Symposium of Comparative Research on Major Regional
Powers in Eurasia "Alliances and Borders in the Making and Unmaking of
Regional Powers"
- Date & Time: July 7-8, 2011
- Place: Room 403 (4th floor), Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University
- Detail: Please see this site.
Regional Powers
Projext Seminar (Group 3)
- Date & Time: June 2 (Thursday) 4:30-6:00pm
- Place: Slavic Research Center, Room 401 (4th floor)
- Detail: Please see this site.
Workshop on
"Energing Middle Classes and Their Impact on Political Change: A
Comparison between Russia and China" (Proposed Research Project by
SONODA Shigeto)
- Venue: Conference Room 1, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo
- Date & Time: March 14 (Mon.), 2011, 10:00 - 18:00
- Language: English
- Detail: Please see this site.
Symposium "Indo-Japanese Dialogue on Eurasia"
- Date & Time: March 11(Fri.) ,2011, 13:30 - 18:00
- Place: Slavic Research Center, Room 403 (4th floor)
- Detail: Please see this site.
Special Seminar
"Indo-Japan strategic relations: Issues, Expectations and Challenges"
- Date & Time: February 14 (Mon.), 2011
- Place: Room 401 (4th Floor) Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University
- Detail: Please see this site.
Special Seminar
"The Kashmir Challenge and its Impact on Neighboring Areas"
- Date: February 3, 2011 (Thursday)
- Place: The Nippon Foundation Bldg., 4th Fl.
- Detail: Please see this site.
The Fourth
International Symposium of Comparative Research on Major Regional
Powers in Eurasia
- Date: December 11-12, 2010
- Place: Breezé Plaza, Osaka
- Detail: Please see this site.
JAIR Annual
Convention 2010 Session 6 "Cold War Alliances:East and West"
- Date: 9:00-12:00, Saturday, 30 October, 2010
- Place: Sapporo Convention Center
- Detail: Please see this site.
FINDAS Seminar
- Date: July 14, 2010 (Wednesday) 18:00 -
- Place: The 3rd floor, Hongo Satellite Campus, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
- Detail: Please see this site.
Special Seminar
"The Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces of Culture: Another Eurasia"
- Date: 13:30~17:30 11 July 2010
- Place: Room 6A, 6th Floor, Kambaikan, Doshisha University
- Detail: Please see this site.
Regional Powers
Project and SRC Seminar
- Date & Time: July 11 (Sunday), 2010, 10:00~12:00
- Place: Slavic Research Center, Room 401 (4th floor)
- Detail: Please see this site.
Reigonal Powers
Project (Group 4) and SRC Seminar
- Date & Time: July 10 (Saturday) 10:00~11:45
- Place: Slavic Research Center, Room 401 (4th floor)
- Detail: Please see this site.
The Third
International Symposium of Comparative Research on Major Regional
Powers in Eurasia Orient on Orinet: Images of Asia in Eurasian Countries
- Date: July 7-9, 2010
- Place: Room 403, Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University, Sapporo
- Detail: Please see this site.
Special Seminar
"Regional Powers in Eurasia" (Domestic Politics) Title: "Russia's
Democratic Deficit: Origins and Future"
- Time & Date: 9th March (Tuesday), 10:30 - 12:00am
- Place: Room 917, 9th floor, Building No.9, Waseda University
- Detail: Please see this site.
"New International Order of Asia and Regional Powers in the 1950s and
- Dates: 8th March 2010 (Monday), 13:00—9th March 2010 (Tuesday), 15:00
- Venue: Collaboration Room 3, 4th floor, Building 18 Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo
- Detail: Please see this site.
GCOE-SRC Special
Seminar "The Kashmir Problem: Past, Present and Future"
- Date: February 3, 2010
- Place: 4F Conference Room (403), Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University
- Detail: Please see this site.
Special Seminar
"Beyond the Contours of State" (Group 5)
- Time and Date: 16:30-18:00, Tuesday, January 26, 2010
- Place:Hokkaido University, Slavic Research Center, Room 401
- Detail: Please see this site.
Workshop of Comparative Research on Major Regional Powers in Eurasia
Islamic Institutions and Imperial Reach: The Complex Articulation of Ideas, Education and Mobility
- Date: January 23-24, 2010
- Venue:Life Science Center, room 701 (1-4-2, Shin-Senri-Higashi-cho, Toyonaka-shi, Osaka)
- Detail: Please see this site.
Special Seminar
(Group 2 & 5) "Regional Powers in Eurasia: Resources for
Transnational Influence"
- Date & Time: December 15 (Tue.) 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
- Place: Presentation Room, 6th floor, Research Institute for World Language (General Research Building), Minoh Campus, Osaka University
- Detail: Please see this site.
The Second
International Symposium of Comparative Research on Major Regional
Powers in Eurasia
Comparing the Politics of the Eurasian Regional Powers: China, Russia, India, and Turkey
- Date: December 12-13, 2009
- Place: Ichigaya Campus, Hosei University, Tokyo
- Detail: Please see this site.
The 2nd Joint
Forum Co-sponsored by the Brookings Institution and the SRC at Hokkaido
"Nuclear Renaissance and the US-Japan Alliance: Finding New Markets and Preventing Proliferation"
- Date: October 30, 2009
- Place: The Brookings Institution
- Detail:this site.
The First
International Symposium of Comparative Research on Major Regional
Powers in Eurasia
The Elusive Balance: Regional Powers and the Search for Sustainable Development
- Date: July 9-10 2009
- Place: Room 403, Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University, Sapporo
- Detail: Please see this site.