GRANTS (Group6)
For Selected Researchers to Offset Expenses to Attend BRIT XII 2012
Group6 (Culture) of the "Comparative Research on Major Regional Powers in Eurasia" project financially supports selected researchers, whose research topics are related to Images of Borderlands, Cross-border Communication, and Identity Problems related to Border Issues, to attend BRIT XII 2012. (http://www.borderstudies.jp/brit2012/about.html) Support covers transportation costs (Economy class) and living expenses during the conference.
Eligible applicants must meet the following criteria.
- ・The applicant must receive a letter of acceptance of a paper to be presented from the BRIT XII 2012 Scientific Committee.
- ・The applicant is preferably a citizen of India, China or Russia. The Programe, however, also consider talented applicants from Caucasus and Central Asia.
- ・TThe applicant is a young researcher with a Ph.D. degree or currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program in political science, international relations or a discipline related to border studies.
To apply, please express your wish during the proposal submission process by emailing Go KOSHINO (rp@slav.hokudai.ac.jp) relevant information including your name, affiliation, CV, paper title and abstract for the BRIT XII (same as submitted to the BRIT XII). Please note the deadline for proposal submission is Tuesday, 10 April, 2012 (http://www.borderstudies.jp/en/publications/review/).
GRANTS (Group1)
Financial Assistance for Selected Researchers to Attend BRIT XII 2012
Financial assistance is available from the Slavic Research Center, Scientific Research Program on Innovative Area “Comparative Research on Major Regional Powers in Eurasia” (Group 1: International Relations), for researchers wishing to attend the BRIT XII 2012 (http://www.borderstudies.jp/brit2012/about.html) whose research topics are related to Borderland Issues on International Relations and Diplomacy. Support covers transportation costs (Economy class) and living expenses during the conference.
Eligible applicants must meet the following criteria.
- ・The applicant must receive a letter of acceptance of a paper to be presented from the BRIT XII 2012 Scientific Committee.
- ・The applicant is preferably a citizen of India, China or Russia. The Programe, however, also consider talented applicants from a Central Asian country (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan), Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran and Mongolia.
- ・The applicant is a young researcher with a Ph.D. degree or currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program in political science, international relations or a discipline related to border studies.
To apply, please express your wish during the proposal submission
process by emailing Go KOSHINO (rp@slav.hokudai.ac.jp)
relevant information including your name, affiliation, CV, paper title
and abstract for the BRIT XII (same as submitted to the BRIT XII).
Please note the deadline for proposal submission is Tuesday, 10 April,
Number of grants awarded: Approximately ten.
Notification of awards will be given in June, 2012.
By accepting a grant the recipient commits himself to submit a paper to the Eurasia Border Review journal (http://www.borderstudies.jp/en/publications/review/).
Visiting Research Fellowship Program (Group1, international relations)
Information on the Visiting Research Fellowship Program
The project of “Comparative Research on Major Regional Powers in Eurasia” led by Professor Shinichiro Tabata at the Slavic Research Center (SRC) at Hokkaido University was adopted by the Ministry of Education and Science as a five-year grant-in-aid for scientific research on innovative areas. This project will conduct a comprehensive and systematic comparison of major regional powers in Eurasia, including Russia, China and India, and analyze the sustainability of these countries as regional powers. In addition, the comparative analysis will take into account the historical background of these powers as Empires. The objective of the research project is to explore and identify pressing issues in contemporary Eurasia and beyond, such as security, ethnic conflict, religious confrontations, environmental problems and poverty, by paying special attention to the role of these regional powers in the world order.
One research group of this project, “Restructuring of the International
Order (leader: Dr. Akihiro Iwashita, SRC)”, invites a Visiting Research
Fellow from abroad to enhance the research group’s capability for the
(Please refer to the following for details: http://src-h.slav.hokudai.ac.jp/rp/english/group_01/index.html).
The program is a competitive residential fellowship that offers
mid-career scholars and professionals on foreign policy related to
Russia, China and India to carry out substantive research and to
interact with members of the Japan’s academic community. The Research
Fellow will receive a stipend and limited reimbursement for moving
expenses and transportation between the place of work and Sapporo,
Term: January 5, 2012 – March 15, 2012
Application deadline: November 25, 2011
Eligible region: South Asia
Preferred research theme: International Relations on India, China, Russia and the US.
Place of work: Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University
A Ph. D. in political science, international relations, or a discipline related to security issues is preferred but not required. Applicants holding a Ph.D. should have 6 – 8 years of professional experience in one or more of the following fields. This includes think tanks or academia with practical or scholarly exposure to current political, economic, or security trends in the region. Applicants without a Ph.D. should have 12 – 14 years of professional experience in one or more of the fields listed above. Applicants with a professional interest in foreign policy relations among the target countries mentioned above, and Indian or Pakistani specialist on Chinese issue is highly desirable; the program tends to focus more on international rather than domestic issues. Applicants must demonstrate the ability to conduct professional, in-depth research and deliver presentations in English. The Research Fellow is selected on a highly competitive basis, following a careful review of all applications.
The Research Fellow must be available for a full-time affiliation with the SRC for three-month program and is required to research and write a working paper (minimum 6,000 words, maximum 10,000 words) on an approved academic topic. Papers are due in final form at the end of the three-month program; he/she may be asked to present the paper at a SRC seminar during the course of the stay at the center. He/she is also expected to be an active participant in SRC activities, including but not limited to regularly organized events and discussions on the project, seminars, presentations, press briefings, and other SRC and Hokkaido University events.
Terms and
The SRC provides:
- 1. One round-trip air ticket (economy-class) between the place of work and Sapporo, Japan. Please be aware that the Center is not responsible for shipping and customs clearance charges for luggage.
- 2. A living allowance of 400,000 yen per month will be paid for the duration of the program (this amount is subject to change depending on the number of days you stay in Sapporo).
- 3. A business accommodation at the Center and access to all the University facilities including the libraries. No secretarial service is provided.
- 4. The fellowship will not provide housing and insurance. It is highly recommended to apply for an overseas health insurance in his/her own country. The apartment rent is about 100,000 JPY a month on average.
- 5. In addition, please be aware that the Center will not be responsible for paying for travel expenses for business trips within Japan. Such expenses are the sole responsibility of the fellow himself/herself; this is to avoid the violation of Hokkaido University’s regulation that does not allow double income.
Applicants should submit their application forms for this program by Nov. 25, 2011. Application form ( pdf / word ) Each applicant is expected to have at least two letters of reference sent directly to the Center: one letter from the institution that the applicant is affiliated with, testifying that he/she will be free of obligations during the duration of the stay in Sapporo, and another confidential letter from a recognized specialist in their field. It is the applicants’ responsibility to make sure that the letters of reference arrive at the Center by the deadline. Applications may be sent by e-mail, however, letters of reference must be sent by postal mail only.
The selection process will be conducted in the end of November 2011, which will include thorough review of the applicants’ research plans, academic achievements, and possible contributions to the projects as well as other factors.
Applicants will be informed of the selection results by the beginning of December, 2011.
Correspondence concerning this program should be addressed to:
- Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University
- Kita-9, Nishi-7, Kita-ku, Sapporo, 060-0809, Japan
- Tel.: (+81) 11-706-2388
- Fax.: (+81) 11-706-4952
- E-mail: rp@slav.hokudai.ac.jp
- Program manager, Koshino Go.
Job Posting for Research Fellow (Group 1, Deadline 27 May)
The Scienctific Research on Innovative Areas "Comparative Research on Major Regional Powers in Eurasia" is seeking candidates to fill a position for a research fellow with the following requirements. Please see below for full detail.
1. Position
Research Fellow (by contract)
2. Period of Employment
July 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012
3. Specialization: International Relations in Eurasian Regional Powers (Russia, China, and India)
4. Position available: 1 part time researcher
5. Conditions
- 1) Content of Work:Assisting with research for the Group 1 (International Relations) in "the Comparative Research on Major Regional Powers in Eurasia."
- 2) Others
- ①Working hours: 30 hours per week (6 hours per day for 5 days)
- ②Holidays: Saturday, Sunday and all national holidays, December 29-January 3 and other holidays designated by the university
- ③Vacation:annual paid vacation and other special leaves (paid or unpaid)
- ④Salary: Decided upon the candidate’s experience and regulations of Hokkaido University ※Will vary depending on educational background and experience. This will amount to approx. 1,200-2,500 per hour (140,000-300,000 per month).
- ⑤Commutation allowance
- ⑥Social insurances: Health insurance, pension, and employment insurance
- ⑦Moving expenses will not be paid
- 3) Place of work: Kita 9 Nishi 7, Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
6. Qualifications
- 1) Holds relevant master degree or equivalent;
- 2) Chinese native speaker or equivalent;
- 3) Should demonstrate a minimum command in Japanese sufficient to handle daily administrative matters in Japanese;
- 4) Should demonstrate a minimum command in English sufficient to conduct research in English. *Candidate should not be affiliated with any other institution. Graduate students or research fellows must ask for permanent leave before commencing work for the center.
7. Commencement: July 1, 2011
8. Required documents
- 1) Curriculum Vitae (with photo, educational background since high school, digital version is allowed but with handwritten signature)
- 2) A list of previous work
- 3) 3 of the candidates previous work in Japanese and/or English(outprints, photocopies are allowed)
- 4) Certificate of Graduation (photocopy of diploma would be allowed)
- 5) Research Proposal (approx. 5 pages in A4 size in Chinese, English, or Japanese) *Documents will not be returned.
9.Deadline: May 27, 2011 (Friday)
*When mailing the documents to the center, please write “Documents for
the position of research fellow” in red and send it by registered mail
(Expack is also OK). We will not accept documents sent by email.
10. Selection process: The selection method will be based on the screening process of the documents sent by the candidate but we may request an interview. The result will be notified to the candidate by the beginning of June, 2011.
11. Mailing address
Secretariat of "the Comparative Research on Major Regional Powers in
Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University, Kita 9 Nishi 7, Kita-ku,
Sapporo, Japan
12. Contact information
Mr. Go Koshino
Secretariat of "the Comparative Research on Major Regional Powers in
E -mail : rp@slav.hokudai.ac.jp
Result of the selection process for the Visiting Research
Fellowship Program 2010
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Shamshad Khan, a research assistant at the Institute of Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA) in India, has been selected as the visiting research fellow (Group 1, international relations). Dr.Khan's field of specialization is International Relations and Japanese Politics. Recently, in February 2010, he was awarded a PhD from Jawaharlal Nehru University with a thesis on "Political Debates on Amending Japanese Pacifist Constitution." As a visiting fellow he will conduct research on: "Indo-Japan strategic relations: India’s search for reciprocity". He will stay at the Slavic Research Center from the end of November, 2010 to the middle of March, 2011.

Visiting Research Fellowship Program (Group1, international relations)
Information on the Visiting Research Fellowship Program
The project of “Comparative Research on Major Regional Powers in Eurasia” led by Professor Shinichiro Tabata at the Slavic Research Center (SRC) at Hokkaido University was adopted by the Ministry of Education and Science as a five-year grant-in-aid for scientific research on innovative areas. This project will conduct a comprehensive and systematic comparison of major regional powers in Eurasia, including Russia, China and India, and analyze the sustainability of these countries as regional powers. In addition, the comparative analysis will take into account the historical background of these powers as Empires. The objective of the research project is to explore and identify pressing issues in contemporary Eurasia and beyond, such as security, ethnic conflict, religious confrontations, environmental problems and poverty, by paying special attention to the role of these regional powers in the world order.
One research group of this project, “Restructuring of the International Order (leader: Dr. Akihiro Iwashita, SRC)”, invites a Visiting Research Fellow from abroad to enhance the research group’s capability for the project (Please refer to the following for details: http://src-h.slav.hokudai.ac.jp/rp/english/group_01/index.html). The program is a competitive residential fellowship that offers mid-career scholars and professionals on foreign policy related to Russia, China and India to carry out substantive research and to interact with members of the Japan’s academic community. The Research Fellow will receive a stipend and limited reimbursement for moving expenses and transportation between the place of work and Sapporo, Japan.
Term: December 1, 2010 – February 28, 2011
Application deadline: September 15, 2010
Eligible region: China, India and Russia
Preferred research theme: International Relations on India, China, Russia and the US.
Place of work: Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University
A Ph. D. in political science, international relations, or a discipline related to security issues is preferred but not required. Applicants holding a Ph.D. should have 6 – 8 years of professional experience in one or more of the following fields. This includes think tanks or academia with practical or scholarly exposure to current political, economic, or security trends in the region. Applicants without a Ph.D. should have 12 – 14 years of professional experience in one or more of the fields listed above. Applicants with a professional interest in foreign policy relations among the target countries mentioned above, and the expertise related to Indian foreign policy is highly desirable; the program tends to focus more on international rather than domestic issues. Applicants must demonstrate the ability to conduct professional, in-depth research and deliver presentations in English, and preferably, in Russian or in Chinese. The Research Fellow is selected on a highly competitive basis, following a careful review of all applications.
The Research Fellow must be available for a full-time affiliation with the SRC for the entire three-month program and is required to research and write a working paper (minimum 6,000 words, maximum 10,000 words) on an approved academic topic. Papers are due in final form at the end of the three-month program; he/she may be asked to present the paper at a SRC seminar during the course of the stay at the center. He/She is also expected to be an active participant in SRC activities, including but not limited to regularly organized events and discussions on the project, seminars, presentations, press briefings, and other SRC and Hokkaido University events.
Terms and
The SRC provides:
- 1. One round-trip air ticket (economy-class) between the place of work and Sapporo, Japan. Please be aware that the Center is not responsible for shipping and customs clearance charges for luggage.
- 2. A living allowance of up to 1,200,000 yen will be paid for the duration of the three months program (this amount is subject to change depending on the number of days you stay in Sapporo).
- 3. A business accommodation at the Center and access to all the University facilities including the libraries. No secretarial service is provided.
- 4. The fellowship will not provide housing and insurance. It is highly recommended to apply for an overseas health insurance in his/her own country. The apartment rent is about 100,000 JPY a month on average.
- 5. In addition, please be aware that the Center will not be responsible for paying for travel expenses for business trips within Japan. Such expenses are the sole responsibility of the fellow himself/herself; this is to avoid the violation of Hokkaido University’s regulation that does not allow double income.
Applicants should submit their application forms for this program by Sept. 15, 2010. Application form ( pdf / word ) Each applicant is expected to have at least two letters of reference sent directly to the Center: one letter from the institution that the applicant is affiliated with, testifying that he/she will be free of obligations during the duration of the stay in Sapporo, and another confidential letter from a recognized specialist in their field. It is the applicants’ responsibility to make sure that the letters of reference arrive at the Center by the deadline. Applications may be sent by e-mail, however, letters of reference must be sent by postal mail only.
The selection process will be conducted in September 2010, which will include thorough review of the applicants’ research plans, academic achievements, and possible contributions to the projects as well as other factors.
Applicants will be informed of the selection results by the beginning of October, 2010.
Correspondence concerning this program should be addressed to:
- Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University
- Kita-9, Nishi-7, Kita-ku, Sapporo, 060-0809, Japan
- Tel.: (+81) 11-706-2388
- Fax.: (+81) 11-706-4952
- E-mail: rp@slav.hokudai.ac.jp
- Program manager, Koshino Go.

Result of the selection process for the Visiting Research
Fellowship Program 2009
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Happymon Jacob, an assistant professor at Jawaharlal Nehru University in India, has been selected as the visiting research fellow (Group 1, international relations). Dr.Jacob's field of specialization is Indian diplomacy and Southern Asian Geopolitics. His recent publication includes Rise, Fall and the Resurgence of the Taliban (New Delhi, 2005). As a visiting fellow he will conduct research on: "India’s Search for Great Power Status: Structural Incentives and Domestic Constraints". He will stay at the Slavic Research Center from the mid-December, 2009 to the end of February, 2010.

Visiting Research Fellowship Program (Group1, international relations)
Information on
the Visiting Research Fellowship Program
The project of “Comparative Research on Major Regional Powers in Eurasia” led by Professor Shinichiro Tabata at the Slavic Research Center (SRC) at Hokkaido University was adopted by the Ministry of Education and Science as a five-year grant-in-aid for scientific research on innovative areas. This project will conduct a comprehensive and systematic comparison of major regional powers in Eurasia, including Russia, China and India, and analyze the sustainability of these countries as regional powers. In addition, the comparative analysis will take into account the historical background of these powers as Empires. The objective of the research project is to explore and identify pressing issues in contemporary Eurasia and beyond, such as security, ethnic conflict, religious confrontations, environmental problems and poverty, by paying special attention to the role of these regional powers in the world order.
One research group of this project, “Restructuring of the International Order (leader: Dr. Akihiro Iwashita, SRC)”, invites a Visiting Research Fellow from abroad to enhance the research group’s capability for the project (Please refer to the following for details: http://src-h.slav.hokudai.ac.jp/rp/english/group_01/index.html). The program is a competitive residential fellowship that offers mid-career scholars and professionals on foreign policy related to Russia, China and India to carry out substantive research and to interact with members of the Japan’s academic community. The Research Fellow will receive a stipend and limited reimbursement for moving expenses and transportation between the place of work and Sapporo, Japan.
Term: December 1, 2009 – February 28, 2010
Application deadline: September 15, 2009
Eligible region: China, India and Russia
Preferred research theme: International Relations on India, China, Russia and the US.
Place of work: Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University
A Ph. D. in political science, international relations, or a discipline related to security issues is preferred but not required. Applicants holding a Ph.D. should have 6 – 8 years of professional experience in one or more of the following fields. This includes think tanks or academia with practical or scholarly exposure to current political, economic, or security trends in the region. Applicants without a Ph.D. should have 12 – 14 years of professional experience in one or more of the fields listed above. Applicants with a professional interest in foreign policy relations among the target countries mentioned above, and the expertise related to Indian foreign policy is highly desirable; the program tends to focus more on international rather than domestic issues. Applicants must demonstrate the ability to conduct professional, in-depth research and deliver presentations in English, and preferably, in Russian or in Chinese. The Research Fellow is selected on a highly competitive basis, following a careful review of all applications.
The Research Fellow must be available for a full-time affiliation with the SRC for the entire three-month program and is required to research and write a working paper (minimum 6,000 words, maximum 10,000 words) on an approved academic topic. Papers are due in final form at the end of the three-month program; he/she may be asked to present the paper at a SRC seminar during the course of the stay at the center. He/She is also expected to be an active participant in SRC activities, including but not limited to regularly organized events and discussions on the project, seminars, presentations, press briefings, and other SRC and Hokkaido University events.
Terms and
The SRC provides:
- 1. One round-trip air ticket (economy-class) between the place of work and Sapporo, Japan. Please be aware that the Center is not responsible for shipping and customs clearance charges for luggage.
- 2. A living allowance of up to 1,200,000 yen will be paid for the duration of the three months program (this amount is subject to change depending on the number of days you stay in Sapporo).
- 3. A business accommodation at the Center and access to all the University facilities including the libraries. No secretarial service is provided.
- 4. The fellowship will not provide housing and insurance. It is highly recommended to apply for an overseas health insurance in his/her own country.
- 5. In addition, please be aware that the Center will not be responsible for paying for travel expenses for business trips within Japan. Such expenses are the sole responsibility of the fellow himself/herself; this is to avoid the violation of Hokkaido University’s regulation that does not allow double income.
Applicants should submit their application forms for this program by Sept. 15, 2009. Application form ( pdf / word ) Each applicant is expected to have at least two letters of reference sent directly to the Center: one letter from the institution that the applicant is affiliated with, testifying that he/she will be free of obligations during the duration of the stay in Sapporo, and another confidential letter from a recognized specialist in their field. It is the applicants’ responsibility to make sure that the letters of reference arrive at the Center by the deadline. Applications may be sent by e-mail, however, letters of reference must be sent by postal mail only.
The selection process will be conducted in September 2009, which will include thorough review of the applicants’ research plans, academic achievements, and possible contributions to the projects as well as other factors.
Applicants will be informed of the selection results by the beginning of October, 2009.
Correspondence concerning this program should be addressed to:
- Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University
- Kita-9, Nishi-7, Kita-ku, Sapporo, 060-0809, Japan
- Tel.: (+81) 11-706-2388
- Fax.: (+81) 11-706-4952
- E-mail: rp@slav.hokudai.ac.jp
- Program manager, Koshino Go.