Our project has ended.
The project “Comparative Research on Major Regional Powers in Eurasia” for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas, which started in December 2008, ended last March. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to each member and to those who participated in our seminars.
The achievement of this project has been published in several domestic/international journals, as well as in the discussion paper “Comparative Studies on Regional Powers.” From all of the above collection, we will publish a total of six books in the series Regional Powers in Eurasia, in Japanese. Furthermore, publication of the project achievement in English by Routledge is under preparation. In addition, the proceedings of the international symposium that we conducted at the Slavic Research Center will soon be published.
Fortunately, this Scientific Research on Innovation Areas is provided with research funds for project results in the year following the project’s ending. By using these funds, we plan to maintain our publication activities. Therefore, our administration and the website will be kept throughout this year.
Last but least, the Slavic Research Center intends to continue comparison of Slavic Eurasia and various global regions now and onwards, so please give us your continuous cooperation from now on.