List of Conferences and Seminars 2024
■ Book Talk "Post-Imperial Possibilities: Eurasia, Eurafrica, Afroasia"◆◇◆
Date & Time : Monday, April 15, 2024, 16:00-17:30
Venue : SRC 403
Speaker : Jane Burbank (Professor Emerita, New York University)
Frederick Cooper (Professor Emeritus, New York University)Language : English
Format : Hybrid
Registration for online participation:
Organized by : Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies at the SRC
Contact : Norihiro Naganawa< luch[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ Seminar "Heritage of Soviet Melodrama"◆◇◆
Date & Time : Wednesday, May 8, 2024, 11:00-18:00 (EDT)
Venue : Columbia University, Hamilton Hall, Room 709 (7th Floor)
Speaker : Daisuke Adachi (Hokkaido University)
Tatiana Efremova (Columbia University)
Junna Hiramatsu (University of Tokyo)
Yulia Kim (Columbia University)
Satoko Kitai (Osaka University)
Michiko Komiya (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
Oleg Lekmanov (Princeton University)
Yuri Leving (Princeton University)
Mark Lipovetsky (Columbia University)
Anastasiya Osipova (University of Colorado Boulder)
Serguei Oushakine (Princeton University)Language:English and Russian
Organized by:Department of Slavic Languages, Columbia University
Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies (SRC, Hokkaido University)
JSPS Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (International Collaborative Research), "Post-Socialist Melodramatic Culture"
JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), "A Comprehensive Study on the Melodramatic Imagination in Russian and Former Soviet Culture"If you would like to attend, please contact : Dr. Daisuke ADACHI< adaisuke[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ SPECIAL TALK "Australia-Japan cooperation in the Indo Pacific – Security, climate/energy, education, science and technology"◆◇◆
Hokkaido University’s Office for International Collaborations and Slavic-Eurasian Research Center are pleased to announce a special talk event by H.E. Mr Justin Hayhurst, Australian Ambassador to Japan, on Monday 3 June 2024. The event is open to the public, and anyone interested in the topic is more than welcomed.
Date & Time : Monday, June 3, 2024, 14:00~14:50 (Venue opens at 13.30.)
Venue : Centennial Hall, Hokkaido University (N9 W6, Kita-ku, Sapporo)
Speaker : H.E. Mr Justin Hayhurst, Australian Ambassador to Japan
‘Australia-Japan cooperation in the Indo Pacific – Security, climate/energy, education, science and technology’
Dr. Akihiro Iwashita, Professor, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
‘Australia: an indispensable partner for Japan’Language : English (no Japanese translation)
Registration : Not required
Admission : Free
Organized by : Office for International Collaborations and Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies at the SRC
Contact : < taenau[at] >([at] read as @)
Organized by : Office for International Collaborations and Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies at the SRC
■ 10th Joint Symposium "Co-existence and Interdependence in Eurasia and East Asia."◆◇◆
Date & Time : Tuesday, June 11, 2024, 13:30~17:15
Venue:Seoul National University , H7-308
Program :
Opening Remarks
Paik, Seung Moo (Director of IREEES, SNU)
Jung, Hakyung (SNU)
Session 1.:Dynamics of Contemporary Russian Culture Surrounding Power.
• Adachi, Daisuke(SRC): Russian Melodrama after the War.
• Hong, Jiyoung(Yonsei University): The Story of Light in the Struggle Against the Authorities: From Nikolai Gogol's Nevsky Prospekt to the Protest of Alexei Navainy's supporters.
Discussant: Jung, Byungsam (Syracuse University)
Yoon, Seo Hyun (SNU)
Special Lecture. : Russian War in Ukraine Northeast Asian Geo-politics.
Iwashita, Akihiro (SRC)
Session 2.:Russo-Ukrainian War and Refugees in Eurasia.
• Chi, Naomi (HU): The Plight of Refugees in East Asia:Ukrainian Evacuees in Japan.
• Slepchenko, Vadim (SNU): The Russo-Ukrainian War and Russian Draft Evasion Refugees.
Discussant: Song, Jiyeoun (SNU)
Kang, Yoon Hee (Kookmin University)
Closing Remarks.
Iwashita, Akihiro (SRC)
Organized by : Institute for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies, Seoul National University, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center
Contact : < rusins[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ Lunch Talk◆◇◆
Date & Time : Friday, June 14, 12:10-13:00
Venue : SRC Room403
Speaker : Siarhei Bohdan (University of Regensburg)
Title : "The End of History: How I Study It in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia"
Contact : Norihiro Naganawa < luch[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ UBRJ/EES Seminar◆◇◆
Date & Time : Wednesday, June 19, 2024, 16:30~18:00 (JST)
Venue : SRC Room403
Speaker : Serghei Golunov, (Professor of SDU University, Kazakhstan)
Title : "Global perspectives on cross-border cooperation: where does Central Asia stand?"
Contact : Akihiro Iwashita < iwasi[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ Online Seminar◆◇◆
Date & Time : Tuesday, July 2, 2024, 16:30-18:00
Title : South East European Dissonant Heritage, Conflictual Memories and Contemporary Arts.
Speaker : Dr. Milena Dragićević-Šešić (Professor Emerita University of Arts, Belgrade Head of the UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management)
Language : English
Online Registration :
*Please register by July 1, 2024, 23:59Organized by : Platform for Exploration in Survival Strategies Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
Contact : < gavrankapetan[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ SRC Seminar◆◇◆
Date & Time : Thursday, July 4, 2024, 16:30-18:00
Venue : Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido Universtiy, Room 401
Title : Roma Civic Emancipation before WWII: National and Transnational Dimension and the Problems of the Standardisation of the Romani Language
Speaker : Prof. Elena Marushiakova (Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences)
Prof. Veselin Popov (Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences)Language : English
Organized by : Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
Co-organized by : Platform for Exploration in Survival Strategies Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
Contact : Motoki Nomachi < mnomachi[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ Special Seminar◆◇◆
Date & Time : July 9 (Tue) at 18:00-19:30 (JST, GMT+9)
Speaker : Mark Edele (University of Melbourne)
Prof. Mark Edele is Hansen Professor in History at Melbourne University and one of the world's leading historian on the Soviet Union at war.
In this event he will present from his latest book 'Russia's War Against Ukraine: The Whole History’ published in August 2023, which examines causes and implications of the ongoing conflict, while placing it into Ukrainian and Russian histories.Book Talk : "Russia's War Against Ukraine: The Whole Story"
Chair : Mie Nakachi (Hokusei Gakuen University)
Language : English
Online Registration :
*Deadline: July 7 (Sun) at 18:00 (JST, GMT+9)
Organizers : Japanese Society for the Study of Russian History;
Institute for Russian and East European Studies at Waseda University;
Slavic-Eurasian Research Center at Hokkaido UniversityContact : Yoko Aoshima < yoko.aoshima[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ SRC Seminar◆◇◆
Date & Time : July 10 (Wed), 2024, 16:30–18:00
Venue : Room 403, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (SRC), Hokkaido University, and online via Zoom
Registration for online participation:
Speaker : Adrienne Edgar (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Title : Intermarriage and the Friendship of Peoples: Ethnic Mixing in Soviet Central Asia
Language : English
Organized by : Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies at the SRC
Contact : Tomohiko Uyama < uyama[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ Book Talk◆◇◆
Date & Time : Wednesday, July 17, 2024, 17:00-18:30
Venue : Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido Universtiy, Room 403
Title : Empire of Refugees: North Caucasian Muslims and the Late Ottoman State
Speaker : Vladimir Hamed-Troyansky (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Language : English
Online Registration :
Organized by : Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies at the SRC
Contact : Norihiro Naganawa < luch[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ SRC2024 Summer International Symposium "The Crucible of a New World? Russia’s Borderlands at the Dawn of the Twentieth Century"◆◇◆
Date : July 18-19, 2024
Venue : SRC Room403
Detail : Please see this site
Contact : Yoko Aoshima < yoko.aoshima[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ Survival Strategies Seminar◆◇◆
Date & Time : Monday, July 22, 2024, 16:00-17:30
Venue : SRC Room403
Speaker : Siarhei Bohdan (SRC / University of Regensburg)
Title : "The Global History of Islamic Revolutionary Guards: (Post-)Soviet Episodes"
Contact : Norihiro Naganawa < luch[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ Lecture Series 'Ukraine and the World in Crisis'◆◇◆
Date & Time : Thursday, July 25, 16:30-18:00
Venue : SRC Room403
Speaker : Dr. Olena Nikolayenko(Professor of Political Science and Department Chair, Department of Political Science, Fordham University)
Title : "Women's Participation in the Russia-Ukraine War."
Language : English
Online Registration:Please register from here
Organizer : Research Unit for Ukraine and Neighboring Areas, Hokkaido University
Co-Organizer : Platform for Exploration in Survival Strategies Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
Contact : Michitaka Hattori < hattori[at] > ([at] read as @)
Archived Video: here
■ RCAST Security Seminar◆◇◆
Date & Time : Monday, July 29, 2024, 15:00-16:30
Venue : RCAST Building 3, M2F floor, Seminar Room-1, The University of Tokyo, Komaba Research Campus
Speaker : Olena Nikolayenko, Professor of Political Science and Department Chair, Department of Political Science, Fordham University
Title : "Women and Revolutions in Ukraine and Belarus"
Format : In-person
Language : English
Participation : Please register from here
Organizer : The Religion and Global Security Division of the RCAST of the University of Tokyo
Co-Organizer : The Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (SRC), Hokkaido University
■ SRC Seminar “From Wandering Jews to Rootless Cosmopolitans: Conceptual Foundations of Racist Othering in European, Russian and Soviet Culture.”◆◇◆
Date & Time : Tuesday, August 6, 2024, 16:00-18:00
Venue : Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido Universtiy, Room 403 and online via Zoom (Hybrid format)
Speaker : Kirill Postoutenko (Bielefeld University, The University of Helsinki)
Remark : Roman Katsman (Bar-Ilan University/Hokkaido University)
“The Return of Wandering Jews to Jerusalem: De-othering in Russian-Israeli Literature.Language : English and Russian
Format : Hybrid format with online via Zoom
Registration for online participation : Please register from here
Organizers : This seminar is supported by the FY2024 JSPS Invitational Fellowships for Research in Japan (Short-term).
Platform for Exploration in Survival Strategies (Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University)
Research Unit for Ukraine and Neighboring Areas (Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University)Contact : Naoto YAGI(naoto-yagi[at] [at] read as @
Daisuke ADACHI(adaisuke[at] [at] read as @
■ Survival Strategies Study Seminar "Diverged Fates of Tatars in the Far East"◆◇◆
Date & Time : Thursday, September 5, 2024, 16:00-18:00
Venue : SRC Room403
Speaker : Renat Bekkin (Independent Scholar)
"Turkic-Tatar Emigrants in the Far East and the Case of the Idel-Ural Committees (1936)"
Sayoko Numata (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
"‘We are us, that’s all’: Tatar Migrants Practicing Culture as a Process of Home-Building in Turkey"
Format : Hybrid format with online via Zoom
Registration for online participation : Please register from here
Contact : Norihiro Naganawa < luch[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ Lunch Talk◆◇◆
Date & Time : Friday, September 20, 12:00-13:00
Venue : SRC Room403
Speaker : Renat Bekkin
Title : "Jihad in Official Islamic Discourse in Russia during the Russian-Ukrainian War"
Contact : Norihiro Naganawa < luch[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ SRC Seminar◆◇◆
Date & Time : Thursday, October 10, 16:30-18:30
Venue : Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University, Room 403 and online via Zoom (Hybrid format)
Title : Современный русский постколониальный роман
(дискуссия с участием писателя Рената Беккина (SRC), автора романа ≪Ак Буре. Крымскотатарская сага≫ и профессора Дайске Адати(SRC))Language : Russian
Format : Hybrid format with online via Zoom
Registration for online participation:Please register from here
Organizer : Platform for Exploration in Survival Strategies (Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University)
Contact : Daisuke ADACHI < adaisuke[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ Survival Strategies Study Seminar◆◇◆
Date & Time : Wednesday, October 16, 2024, 16:30-18:00
Venue : Conference Room, Faculty Office Building, Izumi Campus, Meiji University
Speaker : Siarhei Bohdan (SRC / University of Regensburg)
Title : "Where There Is More of God? Revolutionary Islamist Iran and Its Partners in Moscow and Pyongyang (1979-1991)"
Contact : Norihiro Naganawa < luch[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ Survival Strategies Study Seminar◆◇◆
Date & Time : Thursday, October 17, 2024, 16:45-18:15
Venue : Room 745, Faculty Office Building, Mita Campus, Keio University
Speaker : Siarhei Bohdan (SRC / University of Regensburg)
Title : "No Place for Neutrality? Belarus and the Conflict in Eastern Europe (2014-2024)"
Contact : Norihiro Naganawa < luch[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ Симпозиум «Против стереотипов?: Проблемы драматизма и мелодраматизма в советской и постсоветской культуре»◆◇◆
Date & Time : Saturday, October 19, 2024, 14:00-17:30
Venue : Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus, Research Building No.2. Graduate School of Letters, Exercise Room 8
Программа : 14:00 Дайске Адати (на японском) Вступительное слово
14:10 Тадаши Накамура (на японском)
Соцреалистические элементы и анти-драматизм в кинофильме режиссера Довженко "Земля" (1930)
14:50 Мицухару Акао (на японском)
«Слуга Народу» как драма национального воспитания?
15:45 Роман Кацман (на русском)
Мелодрама в свете теорий Р. Жирара и Э. Ганса. Случай русско-израильской литературы
16:25 Дискуссия (на японском и русском)
Language : Языки симпозиума – японский и русский (Перевод: Евгений Ужинин)
Organizers : Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies (Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University)
JSPS Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (International Collaborative Research), “Post-Socialist Melodramatic Culture”
Kyoto University, Graduate School of Letters, Dept. of Slavic Languages and Literatures
Contact : Daisuke ADACHI < adaisuke* > ([at] read as @)
■ Lecture by Ambassador of Ukraine to Japan◆◇◆
Date & Time : Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 11:30-12:30
Venue : Room 403, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (SRC), Hokkaido University
Title : "Cooperation for Future Eurasia: Dialogue between Ukraine and Japan"
Speaker : H.E. Dr. KORSUNSKY Sergiy
(Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Japan)Language : English
Registration : Please register from here
*Please register by October 16, 2024
The lecture will be limited to 40 people on a firstcome, first-served basis.Organized by : Embassy of Ukraine, Research Unit for Ukraine and Neighboring Areas, Hokkaido University
Contact: < src[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ Special Seminar◆◇◆
Date & Time : Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 16:30~18:00 (JST)
Venue : SRC Room403
Speaker : Rouben Azizian (Professor of Affiliation: Centre for Defence and Security Studies, Massey University, New Zealand)
Title : "Self-determination or territorial integrity? The impact of the Ukraine War on ethnic conflict in Post-Soviet Space"
Language : English
Contact : Akihiro Iwashita < iwasi[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ SRC Seminar◆◇◆
Date & Time : Oct. 30 (Wed), 2024, 16:30–18:00
Venue : Room 403, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (SRC), Hokkaido University
Speaker : Dr. Davor Jankuloski (The Research Center for Areal Linguistics "Božidar Vidoeski", Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts)
Title : Periphrastic Verbal Constructions with Have + Past Passive Participle in Dialect and Standard Macedonian
Language : English
Contact : Motoki Nomachi < mnomachi[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ SRC Seminar◆◇◆
Date & Time : Nov. 1 (Fri), 2024, 17:05–18:35
Venue : University of Tokyo (Komaba campus), Bldg. 19, Room 1926.
Speaker : Dr. Davor Jankuloski (The Research Center for Areal Linguistics "Božidar Vidoeski", Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts)
Title : Cultural Influences in the Macedonian Lexicon (Dialectal Perspective)
Language : English
Contact : Motoki Nomachi < mnomachi[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ Survival Strategies Study Seminar◆◇◆
Date & Time : 13:00-14:30, Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Venue : SRC Room 401
Speaker : Renat Bekkin (SRC)
Title : The National Movement of Crimean Tatars and Dissidents in the USSR: Allies, Fellow Travelers, or Enemies?
Language : English
Contact : Norihiro Naganawa < luch[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ Survival Strategies Study Seminar◆◇◆
Date & Time : 17:00-18:30, Thursday, November 7, 2024
Venue : Room 709, Third Building, Waseda Campus, Waseda University
Speaker : Renat Bekkin (SRC)
Title : Archival Investigative Files as a Source for Studying the Everyday Life of Muslims in the USSR in the 1920s–1930s
Language : English
Contact : Norihiro Naganawa < luch[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ Survival Strategies Seminar at Harvard: Eurasia from the East 2024◆◇◆
Date & Time : Monday, November 18, 16:30-18:00
Venue : Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University (S354, CGIS South Building, 1730 Cambridge Street)
Speaker : David Wolff (SRC), Akihiro Iwashita (SRC), Norihiro Naganawa (SRC)
Chair : Serhii Plokhy (Director of Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University)
Language : English
Contact : Norihiro Naganawa < luch[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ The First Periodic Meeting of the Commission on Slavic Micro Languages of the ICS ◆◇◆
Date & Time : 8:20~15:00(CET) Sunday, December 1, 2024
Venue : Online
Program :
8:20–8:30 (CET=GMT+1=JST-8): Opening Remarks
8:30–9:30: Panel 1. Language Protection and Revitalization
Katharina Tyran: Burgenland Croatian in the Public Space – Grassroot Approaches to Expanding the Visibility of a Minority Language in Austria
Helena Duć-Fajfer: Ревіталізация проти асиміляциі – можливе і неможливе
Chair: Motoki Nomachi
9:30–11:00: Panel 2. Language Status and Standardization
Artur Czesak: Состояние и статус силезского языка в Польше
Tadeusz Lewaszkiewicz: Rola leksykografii w kodyfikacji języka kaszubskiego
Martin Henzelmann: Современная проблема стандартизации языка буневцев в Сербии
Chair: Rosanna Benacchio
11:00–12:30: Panel 3. SML in Non-Slavic Areas
Rossanna Benacchio: Семельфактивный суффикс -nu/ni- в словенских диалектах Фриули
Walter Breu: Аналитический каузатив молизско-славянского микроязыка как результат влияния итальянского
Motoki Nomachi: Existential Clauses in Kashubian: A Historical and Typological Analysis
Chair: Katharina Tyran
13:30–15:00: Panel 4. Topics from the Rusyn language and the Slavic-Slavic Language Contact
Aleksandar Mudri: The Dog in the Vojvodinian Ruthenian Linguistic Image of the World
Kaname Okano: Статус союза да и да-конструкции в процессе стандартизации русинского литературного микроязыка Сербии и Хорватии
Kenta Sugai: Does the Bulgarian language of Parcani Have an Innovative Possessive Construction? An Analysis of the Contact-Induced Change
Chair: Motoki Nomachi
Language : English, Slavic languages
Contact : Motoki Nomachi < mnomachi[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ Survival Strategies Study Seminar◆◇◆
Date & Time : 16:30-18:00, Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Venue : SRC Room 403
Speaker : Renat Bekkin (SRC)
Title : How Islam was Governed in the USSR: The Institution of Muftiate and the Council for Religious Affairs
Contact : Norihiro Naganawa < luch[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ Survival Strategies Study Online Seminar◆◇◆
Date & Time : Tuesday, December 13, 2024, 17:00-18:30
Venue : Online (Zoom)
Title : "Guardians of the Truth"
Speaker : Almasa Salihović (Srebrenica Memorial Center, Public Relations)Speaker
Azir Osmanović (Srebrenica Memorial Center, Head of Museum and Archive)Language : English
Registration for online participation:Please register from here
Organized by : Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
Co-Organized by : Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies (Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University)
In cooperation : Srebrenica Memorial Center
Contact: < gavrankapetan[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ SRC2024 Winter International Symposium "Languages, Nations and Standardization in Slavia: So Similar and Yet So Different"◆◇◆
Date : December 18-19, 2024
Venue : SRC Room403
Detail : Please see this site
Contact : Motoki Nomachi < mnomachi[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ EES/CGR Special Seminar◆◇◆
Date & Time : Tuesday, December 26, 2024, 15:30~18:00 (JST)
Venue : Faculty of Environmental Science Main Building A-14 Conference Room, Nagasaki University
Title : "Migration in Wartime"
Program :
Opening Remarks
Akihiro Iwashita (Nagasaki University & Hokkaido University)
"Migration as a Global Risk"
Special Lecture
Vladimir Rouvinski (lcesi University & Hokkaido University)
"Driven by Uncertainty: Contemporary Russian Migration to Latin America"
Yusuke Murakami (Kyoto University)
Abdurrahman Gülbeyaz (Nagasaki University)
Mie Nakachi (Hokusei Gakuen University)Organized by : NIHU Global Area Studies Program "East Eurasian Studies" (EES)
Research Center for Global Risk, Nagasaki University (CGR)Co-Organized by : Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies (SRC/SRCW)
Eurasia Unit for Border Research (Japan)(SRC/UBRJ)Contact : Akihiro Iwashita < iwasi[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ Survival Strategies Study Online Seminar◆◇◆
Date & Time : Friday, January 10, 2025, 17:00-18:30
Venue : Online (Zoom)
Title : "Power of Popular Culture During Wartime: Case of the project Rock Under Siege in Sarajevo 1994/95"
Speaker : Aida Kalender (SIAS | Socially Intelligent Artificial Systems, Informatics Institute of the University of Amsterdam)
Language : English
Registration for online participation:Please register from here
Organized by : Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies (Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University)
Contact: < gavrankapetan[at] > ([at] read as @)
About the Seminar : Aida Kalender (SIAS, University of Amsterdam) will introduce us to the case of Radio ZID (Wall), a unique cultural meeting point in besieged city of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) where numerous artists, intellectuals, and creatives collaborated to produce a daily radio program that encompassed discussions on arts, philosophy, sports, and music.
During the brutal siege of Sarajevo from 1992 to 1995, cultural and artistic expressions became vital lifelines for the citizens enduring the hardships of war.
Theatre performances in basements, concerts in makeshift shelters, and film screenings amidst the peril of sniper fire had importance in fostering a sense of community and hope.
Central to this exploration is the intriguing phenomenon discovered by young volunteers at Radio ZID—an alternative music scene that flourished amid the chaos of war. DJ hosts Jama and Aida played a key role in this movement by curating a top-chart list of songs from alternative bands in besieged Sarajevo, which quickly became one of the most listened-to radio shows in the city. This newly established radio movement not only provided a platform for expression of the jilted generation but also culminated in a concert and the release of a rare CD compilation titled "Rock Under Siege."
Aida Kalender's presentation will discuss the emancipatory potential of pop culture and radio in besieged Sarajevo, examining how these platforms offered solace and resistance for marginalized youth during a time of immense suffering. Additionally, the presentation will explore the reasons for the current neglect of this important grass-roots cultural movement in the context of contemporary memorializing of the siege. By analyzing the interplay of culture, media, class-relationships and resilience during the Sarajevo siege, this presentation aims to shed light on the significant yet often overlooked contributions of the marginalized youth culture and alternative music scene in particular to the social fabric of the city during a time of turmoil.
Aida Kalender's research promises to contribute to the broader discourse on the meaning of alternative youth culture in conflict zones and the lasting legacies of cultural movements in the context of war.
■ SRC Survival Strategies Studies Seminar "Recent Russian Migration in the Caucasus and Central Asia"◆◇◆
Date & Time : 23 January 2025 (Thu), 16:30-18:00 (GMT+9)
Venue : Room 403, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (SRC), Hokkaido University, and online via Zoom
Registration for online participation:
Speaker : Olga Veselovskaya and Ekaterina Sokolova (Eurasian Technological University, Kazakhstan)
Title : Recent Russian Migration in the Caucasus and Central Asia: Challenges and Obstacles in the Host Societies
Language : English
Organized by : Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies at the SRC
Contact : Tomohiko Uyama < uyama[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ EES/UBRJ Special Seminar “War and Gender: Realities of the Russian Diaspora”◆◇◆
Date & Time : January 24, 2025, 15:30-18:00
Venue : SRC Room 403
Program :
Special Lecture “The Escapees: The Complex Journeys of Russian Migrants in Latin America”
Vladimir Rouvinski (Icesi University, Columbia / Hokkaido University)
Joint-Research Project "ReloHub" Session “Gender Aspects of Social Capital Transformation
after Migration: 2022-2023 Russian Migration to the Slavic Eurasian Region”
1) Olga Veselovskaya (Eurasian Technological University (ETU), Almaty, Kazakhstan)
"Argentina: Information Asymmetry and the Shaping of Russian Migration Outflow"
2) Ekaterina Sokolova (Eurasian Technological University (ETU), Almaty, Kazakhstan)
"Women and Migration: Women's Role in Adaptation to Host Societies"Contact : Akihiro Iwashita < iwasi[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ Lunch Talk◆◇◆
Date & Time : Friday, January 31, 2025, 12:10-13:00
Venue : SRC Room403
Speaker : Vytautas Kuokštis (Vilnius University)
Title : "The Political Economy of Lithuania: A Path Full of Puzzles"
Contact : Norihiro Naganawa < luch[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ International Research Platform for Survival Strategies - Online Seminar (Zoom)◆◇◆
Date & Time : February 4, 2025 (Tuesday), 17:00-18:30
Venue : Online (Zoom)
Topic : "White Enclosures: Racial Capitalism & Coloniality Along the Balkan Route"
Presenter : Piro Rexhepi (University College London)
Language : English
Registration for online participation:Please register from here
Organized by : International Research Platform for Survival Strategies, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (SRC) of Hokkaido University.
Contact: < gavrankapetan[at] > ([at] read as @)
About the Seminar : Piro Rexhepi (Research Fellow, University College London) will present his new book White Enclosures (Duke University Press, 2023).
White Enclosure traces Euro-Atlantic politics of borderization along the Balkan Route as a way of bringing attention to peripheries of white supremacy where processes of race and border making are intricately and historically tied to the ways in which whiteness and coloniality function within the inner core of Euro-American spaces. It examines the integration of post-socialist people and spaces into the Euro-Atlantic alliance as a strategic spatial sedimentation of a racial difference between the redeemable and integrable whiteness of the post-socialist former br/other and the irredeemable and impasse of the postcolonial others. Here, the spatial integration of post-socialist territories into the white enclosure serves to both secure its borderlands while also recruiting Eastern European white workers as means of tackling both the demands for cheap labour and the racial demographics decline. The book theorizes this process as the geopolitical whiteness, or, the post-Cold War recalibration of Euro-American colonial/capitalist race-making in relation to ongoing territorial enclosures of whiteness where the Balkan Route serves as a racial cordon sanitaire of colonial difference in the current geopolitical coordinates of coloniality.
■ SRC Seminar◆◇◆
Date & Time : February 12 (Wednesday), 2025, 10:30-12:00
Venue : Slavic-Eurasian Research Center at Hokkaido University, Room 403
Speaker : Peter Rutland (Wesleyan University)Due to personal reasons, the speaker will not be able to come to Japan and will speak online.
Title : “Nationalism and Climate Change”
Chair : David Wolff
Language : English
Organizer : Research Program “Human Society” of the Arctic Challenge for Sustainability II (ArCS II),
Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies at the Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido UniversityContact : Shinichiro Tabata < shin[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ Dialogue with Chinese scholars on China-Russia relations◆◇◆
Date & Time : February 12 (Wednesday), 2025, 14:00-17:30
Venue : Slavic-Eurasian Research Center at Hokkaido University, Room 403
Language : English and Russian
Program :
Chair: TABATA Shinichiro, Hokkaido University
Speakers: FENG Yujun, History Department, Peking University
“The Global and Regional Impacts of The Russia-Ukraine Conflict”
GUAN Guihai, Institute of International and Strategic Studies, Peking University
“The Russia-Ukraine Conflict and Its Impacts on Russian Domestic Politics” (in Russian)
YANG Cheng, Shanghai Academy of Global Governance and Area Studies, Shanghai International Studies University
“The Russia-China-Central Asian Triangle Relations”
IWASHITA Akihiro, SRC, Hokkaido University
“Recent China-Russia Relations and Northeast Asia”
David WOLFF, SRC, Hokkaido University
"Russia as China's Most Important Other: Historical Perspectives"
LIU Xu, School of International Studies, Renmin University of China
“The Economic Sanctions and the Reaction of Foreign (Non-Russian) Companies”
LIU Qian, China University of Petroleum
“The China-Russian Cooperation on the Polar Silk Road and Its Prospects” (in Russian)
Organizer : Research Program “Human Society” of the Arctic Challenge for Sustainability II (ArCS II),
Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies at the Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido UniversityContact : Shinichiro Tabata < shin[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ SRC Visiting Professor Seminar◆◇◆
Date & Time : February 13 (Thu), 2025, 13:30-15:00 (GMT+9)
Speaker : Diana Kudaibergenova (University College London / SRC)
Title : Conceptualizing on or with? Everyday authoritarianism in Central Asia
Venue : Room 403, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (SRC), Hokkaido University, and online via Zoom
Registration for online participation:
Language : English
Contact : Tomohiko Uyama < uyama[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ SRC Survival Strategies Studies Seminar "Trying (and perhaps failing) to understand development assistance and social innovation in Central Asia"◆◇◆
Date & Time : February 28 (Fri), 2025, 13:30-15:00 (GMT+9)
Speaker : Abel Polese (Dublin City University)
Title : Trying (and perhaps failing) to understand development assistance and social innovation in Central Asia
Venue : Room 403, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (SRC), Hokkaido University, and online via Zoom
Registration for online participation:
Language : English
Organizer : Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies at the SRC
Contact : Tomohiko Uyama < uyama[at] > ([at] read as @)
Abstract : Development assistance to the Caucasus and Central Asian regions has grown significantly. What has possibly changed over the year is the focus switch from technical innovation and local market shares to social and human development. This is a major tendency in development in practice. In spite of this declarative intentions by local governments and international organizations to introduce social innovation in development and assistance have not been followed through by concrete and effective steps. At the core of this gap lies a major contradiction of development politics and a theoretical question in the social science: to explain the discrepancy between “imagined policies (and development)” and practices of development.
Why projects, even when (apparently) motivated by the best intentions fail to produce the desired outcome? The answer is complex and passes through several layers of inquiry, from Scott’s “seeing like a state” (1998) to some parts of informality theory (Polese 2023) up to empirical research criticising the role of international actors in the region and eventually colonial/decolonial debates that, although still development, can help explaining some attitudes and deficiencies in regional development.
Based on empirical observation (mostly from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan but with observation also on Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan) this presentation is intended to: a) offer some evidence on the way development is conceived in the region both by international actors, local governments and actors; b) suggest some theoretical lessons linking development in practice and social theory with a focus on the Central Asian (and more broadly the Eurasian) regions.
■ HU-UMA Symposium on Post/Imperial Political Ecosystems: How Our World Has Been Shaped◆◇◆
Date & Time : Hokkaido time: March 7, 2025 (Fri.) | 9:00-11:00 a.m.
March 11, 2025 (Tue.) | 8.00-10.00 a.m.Venue : Room 403, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University, and online via Zoom
Language : English (w/o Japanese translation)
Registration for online participation:
Day 1:
Day 2:
Link : HU-UMA Symposium on Post/Imperial Political Ecosystems: How Our World Has Been Shaped
■ Seminar “The political economy of the Lithuanian growth Puzzle."◆◇◆
Date & Time : March 10, 2025 (Mon) | 15:00-17:00
Venue : M2 Seminar room, bldg.3, Komaba-II campus, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
Speaker : Vytautas Kuokšis (Vilnius University, Visiting Fellow of Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University)
Title : “The political economy of the Lithuanian growth Puzzle."
Language : English
Contact : < Nakairyo[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ Survival Strategies Study Seminar◆◇◆
Date & Time : Monday, March 17, 2025, 16:30-18:00
Venue : SRC Room403
Speaker : Vytautas Kuokštis (Vilnius University)
Title : "The Political Economy of Lithuanian Long-Run Economic Growth in Comparative Perspective"
Contact : Norihiro Naganawa < luch[at] > ([at] read as @)
■ SRC Seminar◆◇◆
Date & Time : March 26 (Wednesday), 2025, 10:30-12:00
Venue : Slavic-Eurasian Research Center at Hokkaido University, Room 403
Speaker : Arbakhan Magomedov (Russian State University for the Humanities/ CNEAS, Tohoku University)
Title : The Russian - Ukrainian Conflict and the Birth of the "post- February" Arctic: seven ways that re-created the Far North
Language : English
Organizer : Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies at the Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
Contact : Shinichiro Tabata < shin[at] > ([at] read as @)