List of Conferences and Seminars 2019
■ SRC Special Lectures
Sarah Thomason on Language Contact, Linguistic Change, and Endangered Languages
Invited speaker: Sarah Thomason (Univesity of Michigan)
Day1(KYOTO): April 17, 2019 [17:00-19:00]
Title: Language Contact and Linguistic Area among Indigenous North American Languages
Venue: Kyoto University, Research Bldg. 2. Room 8
Day2(TOKYO): April 21, 2019 [16:00-18:00]
Title: On Identifying Old Contact-Induced Changes in Slavic Languages
Venue:University of Tokyo, Faculty of Law and Letters Bldg. 1. Room 314
Day3(SAPPORO): April 23, 2019 [16:00-18:00]
Title: Doing Fieldwork on Endangered Dialects and Languages: The Former Yugoslavia and Montana
Venue: Hokkaido University, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Room 401
Organized by: JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Grant No. 17H01641
JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, Grant No. 16K13217Co-organized by: Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
The Japan Society for the Study of Slavic Languages and Literatures
Yoko Iyeiri, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University
Dept. of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Univesity of Tokyo
■ SRC Special Seminar: Scaling Up: From the Baltic States to the world ◆◇◆
Date & Time: June 18 (Tue.), 2019 [16:30-18:30]
Venue: SRC Room 401
Lecturer:Prof. Simonas Strelcovas (Šiauliai University)
Title:Four Seasons in Lithuania (1939-1940): Internees - Refugees – Foreign Legations and Ch. Sugihara
Lecturer:Prof. Rotem Kowner (University of Haifa)
Title:From the Baltic States to the World: Consul Sugihara and the Refugees’s Escape
Discussant:Chiharu Inaba (Meijo University)
Contact:urufu<at> ([at] read ad @)
■ SRC Special Seminar ◆◇◆
Date & Time: June 27 (Thu.), 2019 [16:30-18:00]
Venue: SRC Room 404
Lecturer: Prof. Vladimir Popov (Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute, Berlin)
Title: Industrial Policy in Post-Communist CountriesContact: shin<at> ([at] read ad @)
■Comparative Politics Seminar ◆◇◆
Date & Time: July 8(Mon.), 2019, 16:30-18:00
Venue: Waseda University Building 3, 10th floor, Conference Room 1
Speaker: Bruno Castanho Silva (University of Cologne)
Title: Measuring Populist Discourse: The Populism Dataset for Leaders
Chair: Airo Hino, Waseda University
Convener: Masahisa Endo, Waseda University
Organized by: Waseda Institute of Political Economy (WINPEC), Public Opinion Survey Methodology Research Group
Co-organized by : KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Comparative Study of the Rise of Authoritarianism and Populism”
■Seminar on Authoritarianism and Populism ◆◇◆
Date & Time: July 10 (Wed.), 2019, 17:00-19:30
Venue: Keio University, Mita Campus, Faculty Research Building, Room 745
Speaker 1 : Roberto Stefan Foa (University of Cambridge)
Title:From Democratic Recession to Authoritarian Resurgence
Speaker 2 : Roula Nezi (University of Surrey)
Title:Who Belongs to “the People”? Notions of National and European Citizenship
Organized by: KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Comparative Study of the Rise of Authoritarianism and Populism”
■SRC Special Lecture◆◇◆
Date & Time: July 26 (Fri.) 16:30-18:30
Venue: SRC Room 401 (4th floor)
Lecturer: Dr.Evangelia Adamou (Senior Researcher, French National Center for Scientific Research)
Title: Nominal tense in Pomak(Slavic, Greece): An Experimental Approach
Working language: English
Contact: Motoki Nomachi (mnomachi [at]
■Prof. Yaroslav Gorbachov's Historical Linguistic Lectures ◆◇◆
1. Introduction to Indo-European (10 lectures)
Room:SRC 401
First lecture:October 2 (Wed), 16:00~17:30
2. Historical Balto-Slavic and Slavic Accentology (10 lectures)
Room:SRC 401
First lecture: October 7 (Mon), 16:00~17:30
Contact: Motoki Nomachi (mnomachi [at]
■International Workshop: “Contested Legal Practices in the Long Nineteenth Century: The Volga-Ural Region, Kazakh Steppe, and Eastern Anatolia” ◆◇◆
Date & Time: October 5 (Sat.) 14:30-18:30
Venue: Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Hongo Satellite, 5F Seminar Room
Speaker: Rozaliya Garipova (SRC/ Nazarbaev University, Kazakhstan)
Title: How Tatars Divided their Inheritance: Inheritance, Religious Authority, and Legal Pluralism in the Nineteenth - Early Twentieth Century Volga-Ural Muslim Community
Speaker: Masumi Isogai (Kyoto University of Foreign Studies)
Title: Muslim Marriages and Divorces in the Late Nineteenth-Century Volga-Ural Region
Speaker: Jin Noda (Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
Title: Legal Pluralism for Kazakh Nomads beyond the Russo-Qing Imperial Border Found in the International Assembly
Speaker: Halit Dundar Akarca (Nazarbayev University)
Title: Organizing and Funding Social Life in Erzurum under Russian Occupation: Waqfs in Erzurum during WWI
Ken’ichi Isogai (Kyoto University)
Norihiro Naganawa (SRC)Working languages: English and Russian
Co-organized by:
Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
Joint Research Project “Historical Narratives and the Utilization of the Past in Modern Central Asia”
(Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa)
JSPS KAKENHI Project “A Social History of the Muslim Family and Islamic Law in Modern Central Asia”
(18H00706, Principal investigator: Isogai Ken’ichi)
■ SRC Special Seminar: On resource-dependency and neocolonialism in late Soviet Central Asia◆◇◆
Date & Time: November 5 (Tue.), 2019, 16:30-18:00
Venue: SRC Room 401
Speaker: Irina Morozova (Universität Regensburg)
Title: On resource-dependency and neocolonialism in late Soviet Central Asia: The example of oil industry in Western Kazakhstan in the 1980s
Contact: Tomohiko Uyama (uyama[at]
■ SRC Special Lecture: New Rome in a Larger World◆◇◆
Date & Time: 11 November (Mon.), 2019, 16:30–18:00
Venue: Room 401, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
Lecturer: Johannes Preiser-Kapeller (Austrian Academy of Sciences)
Title: New Rome in a Larger World: Entanglements and Teleconnections between Byzantium and the Slavic-Eurasian World of the 14th century CE.
Language: EnglishContact: Yoichi ISAHAYA (yoichi.isahaya{at}
■ SRC Seminar: Islamic Family Law in Imperial Russia: Empire, Legality and Religious Authority◆◇◆
Date & Time: December 3 (Tue.), 2019, 16:30-18:00
Venue: SRC Room 401
Speaker: Rozaliya Garipova (Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan / SRC)
Title: Islamic Family Law in Imperial Russia: Empire, Legality and Religious Authority
■ SRC Special Seminar: Belarusian and Ukrainian federative projects (1916-1921)◆◇◆
Date & Time: December 4 (Wed.), 2019, 14:45-16:15
Venue: SRC Room 401
Speaker: Gennadii Korolov (Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine / SRC)
Title: Between Intermarium and "eastern Switzerland": Belarusian and Ukrainian federative projects and making of national territories (1916-1921)
Contact: Tomohiko Uyama (uyama[at]
■ SRC Seminar ◆◇◆
Date & Time: December 9 (Mon), 16:30-18:00
Venue: SRC 403 (Conference Room)
Speaker: Dr. Jasmina Gavrankapetanović-Redžić (U. of Sarajevo / JSPS)
Title: Post-Genocide Bosnian Muslims Female Identity: Visualizing Motherhood, Violence and Victimhood
Contact:Motoki Nomachi (mnomachi [at]
■ SRC/JASRLL (Hokkaido Branch) Seminar ◆◇◆
Date & Time: December 19 (Th.), 16:30-18:00
Venue: SRC 401 (4F)
Speaker:Dr. Yaroslav Gorbachov (SRC visiting fellow)
Title: On the Origin of the Old (North) Russian L-less Perfect
Contact:Motoki Nomachi (mnomachi [at]
■ SRC Seminar◆◇◆
Date & Time: January 11 (Sat.), 15:00-17:00
Venue: Kyoto University, Faculty of Letters Main Bldg, Seminar Room 3 (2F)
Speaker: Dr. Yaroslav Gorbachov (SRC visiting fellow)
Title: Old Russian Literacy and Schooling: Written Sources and InterpretationsContact: Motoki Nomachi (mnomachi[at]
Organizers: SRC, Dept. of Slavic Languages and Literatures at Kyoto University
■ SRC Seminar◆◇◆
Date & Time: February 5 (Wed.), 2020, 16:30-18:00
Venue: Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Room 401
Speaker: Esen Usubaliev (Analytical Center "Prudent Solutions", Kyrgyzstan)
Title: Самостоятельная интеграция стран Центральной Азии: соперничество, преодоление противоречий и повышение доверия между странамиLanguage:Russian
Note:Докладчик является внуком Турдакуна Усубалиева, занимавшего должность первого секретаря ЦК Компартии Киргизии с 1961 по 1985 годы. На семинаре он также расскажет о своем деде.
■ SRC Seminar◆◇◆
Date & Time: February 13 (Thur.), 2020, 16:30-18:00
Venue: SRC Room 401
Speaker: Dr. Romuald Huszcza (U. of Warsaw)
Title: Linguistic Evolution or Revolution? The Current Debate on the So-Called Femininative in PolishContact: Motoki Nomachi (mnomachi[at]
■ SRC Seminar This Seminar is Canceled◆◇◆
Date & Time: March 23 (Mon), 16:30-18:00
Venue: SRC 401 (4F)
Speaker: Dr. Daniel Weiss (U. of Zurich)
Title: The Inexepectative Construction of the Type Russian Koška vzjala i umerla and Its Circumbaltic Affiliations
Contact: Motoki Nomachi (mnomachi[at]