Annual Newsletter of the Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University
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English News  No.13 , February 2006
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50th Anniversary Ceremony of Slavic Research Center
A Momentous Year for the Slavic Research Center
SRC Winter Symposium in 2004 (Dec.)
SRC Summer Symposium in 2005
Foreign Visiting Fellowship Program
The 21st Century COE Foreign Visitors Fellowship Program
Our Current Staff
Ongoing Cooperative Research Projects
Guest Lectures from Abroad
Visitors from Abroad
Publications (2004-05)
The Library
Web Site Access Statistics
Essays by Foreign Fellows
Mikhail Dolbilov
Elza-Bair Guchinova
Matthew Lenoe


Prof.ITO Takayuki on Speech
Prof. ITO Takayuki on Speech

The Slavic Research Center (SRC) is a national collaborating institution for comprehensive studies on Slavic Eurasian areas (former Soviet and East European areas).

The SRC’s history goes back to 1953, when a coordinating body of researchers on Slavic Eurasian Studies was created in Hokkaido University.  The body was officially recognized as a part of the Faculty of Law on July 1, 1955 and named the Slavic Institute. 

On Saturday July 9, 2005, lectures and a celebration ceremony were held to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the SRC.  Ceremonial lectures were held in the Hokkaido University Conference Hall from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm, and Prof. ITO Takayuki (Dean and Professor, Graduate School of Political Science, Waseda University), a former member of the SRC, gave a lecture on “Between Discipline and Region.”  After the lecture, a celebration ceremony was held in Faculty House “Trillium” from 6:30 pm.

The ceremony started with a greeting from Dr. TABATA, Center Director, followed by congratulatory speeches by Dr. NAKAMURA Mutsuo, President of Hokkaido University, Mr. ASHIDATE Satoshi, Director of the Scientific Research Institutes Division, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Prof. KAWABATA Kaori, Chairperson of the Japan Council of Russian and East European Studies, and Mr. Leonid Shevchuk, Consulate-General of the Russian Federation in Sapporo.  The following is the speech of Prof. NISHIMURA Yoshiaki, Vice President of Hitotsubashi University.

HARA Teruyuki

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