Annual Newsletter of the Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University
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English News  No.11 , December 2003
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A New Program Starts
SRC Summer Symposium in 2003
Foreign Visiting Fellowship Program
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Ongoing Cooperative Research Projects
Guest Lectures from Abroad
The Center Welcomes Professor ARAI Nobuo
Publications (2002-03)
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Essays by Foreign Fellows
Nigel Swain
Alexandre Bobrov
Andrei Znamenski

Publications (2002-03)

        HAYASHI Tadayuki, ed., The Construction and Deconstruction of National Histories in Slavic Eurasia, Proceedings of the July 2002 International Symposium at the SRC (Sapporo: SRC, 2003), 365 pp. In English.
Contents: Foreword; V. Buldakov, Attempts at the "Nationalization" of Russian and Soviet History in the Newly Independent Slavic States; A. Kappeler, The Russian Empire and Its Nationalities in Post-Soviet Historiographies;
V. Shnirelman, Fostered Primordialism: The Identity and Ancestry of the North Caucasian Turks in the Soviet and Post-Soviet Milieu;
H. Abramson, The End of Intimate Insularity: New Narratives of Jewish History in the Post-Soviet Era;
Nagayo S., The Paradox of Slovak Historiography: The Case of the Slovak State, 1939-1945;
T. Glanc, Method, Message and Manipulation: Remarks on the Writing of History: Some Examples of the Reception - and Non-reception - of Narrativity in Contemporary Russian and Czech Historiography;
M. Bartlovб, The Search for Deep Roots: Medieval Art in the Historiographies of the Central European Nations;
Kaizawa H., The Formation of the Concept of "National Literature" in Russia and the Works of Aleksandr Pypin;
P. Karagyozov, Slavic Nationalism: An Overview;
M. Dolbilov, The Emancipation Reform of 1861 in Russia and the Nationalism of the Imperial Bureaucracy;
Uyama T., A Strategic Alliance between Kazakh Intellectuals and Russian Administrators: Imagined Communities in Dala Walayatїnїng Gazetн (1888-1902);
 A. Frank, Islamic Transformation on the Kazakh Steppe, 1742-1917: Toward an Islamic History of Kazakhstan under Russian Rule;
Kitagawa S., The Nationalization of the Islamic Organization in the South Caucasus: The Role of Islam in Making Azerbaijan's National Identity;
Shinohara T., Communal Autonomy as a Base of Civil Society: Local Autonomy and the Building of National Culture in Bohemia in the 19th Century;
V. Paounovsky, The Bulgarian Policy on the Balkan Countries and National Minorities, 1878-1912

        MOCHIZUKI Tetsuo, ed., The Frontier in Studies of Postmodern Literature (3), SRC Occasional Papers, No. 88 (Sapporo: SRC, 2002). In Japanese.

        HAYASHI Tadayuki, ed., Modernity and Nations in Eastern Europe and Central Eurasia (2), SRC Occasional Papers, No. 89 (Sapporo: SRC, 2003). In Japanese and English.

        MURAKAMI Takashi, ed., Economic Development and the Environment on the Sakhalin Offshore Oil and Gas Fields (7), SRC Occasional Papers, No. 90 (Sapporo: SRC, 2003). In Japanese.

        IWASHITA Akihiro, ed., The Sino-Russian "Strategic Partnership" ; Current Views from the Border and Beijing, SRC Occasional Papers, No. 91 (Sapporo: SRC, 2003). In Japanese, Chinese, Russian and English.

        TABATA Shinichiro, ed., Integration of Russia and the CIS Countries into the World Economy: Statistical and Accounting Issues, SRC Occasional Papers, No. 92 (Sapporo: SRC, 2003). In Japanese and Russian.

        MOCHIZUKI Tetsuo, ed., The Frontier in Studies of Postmodern Literature (4), SRC Occasional Papers, No. 93 (Sapporo: SRC, 2003). In Japanese and Russian.

        Slavic Studies, No. 50, 2003. Refereed Journal of the SRC. In Japanese with Summaries in English and Russian.

        Acta Slavica Iaponica, Volume XX, 2003. Refereed Journal of the SRC. In English and Russian.

        OSUGA Mika, ed., Nominal List of Researchers in the Field of Slavic Eurasian Affairs (7th edition) (Sapporo: SRC, 2003). In Japanese.

        INOUE Koichi, ed., Quest for an Entire Picture of B. Piisudski's Far Eastern Indigenous Studies (Sapporo: SRC, 2003). In Japanese, English and Russian.

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