Forthcoming: Global COE Journal "Eurasia Border Review"
The GCOE program is very pleased to announce the first volume of our journal Eurasia Border Review which will be published in May 2010.
The Eurasia Border Review is a peer-reviewed, semi-annually published periodical which is committed to publish in-depth scholarly research for a diverse audience of scholars, practitioners and policy decision-makers and welcomes original manuscript submissions from all social sciences and humanities disciplines that focus on border or borderland issues in the wider Eurasian region.
Instructions for authors who wish to submit their manuscript can be found in the section "Eurasia Border Review" under "Publications" or you can jump directly to it by clicking the following URL: http://sr-h.hokudai.ac.jp/BorderStudies/en/publications/review/instructions_for_authors.htm.

The Eurasia Border Review is a peer-reviewed, semi-annually published periodical which is committed to publish in-depth scholarly research for a diverse audience of scholars, practitioners and policy decision-makers and welcomes original manuscript submissions from all social sciences and humanities disciplines that focus on border or borderland issues in the wider Eurasian region.
Instructions for authors who wish to submit their manuscript can be found in the section "Eurasia Border Review" under "Publications" or you can jump directly to it by clicking the following URL: http://sr-h.hokudai.ac.jp/BorderStudies/en/publications/review/instructions_for_authors.htm.