Eurasia Border Review
Submission of Manuscripts
The Eurasia Border Review (hereinafter referred to as
"EBR") is a peer-reviewed, semi-annually published periodical of the
Global Center of Excellence Program "Reshaping Japan's Border Studies"
at the Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University. The EBR is
committed to publish in-depth scholarly research for a diverse audience
of scholars, practitioners and policy decision-makers and welcomes
original manuscript submissions from all social sciences and humanities
disciplines that focus on border or borderland issues in the wider
Eurasian region. In order to assure the publication of original works,
authors are kindly asked not to submit manuscripts that are currently
under review for other journals.
The EBR engages in a double-blind review process by qualified readers.
Please refer to the next section "Instructions to Authors" for
additional information and follow the guidelines to prepare an
anonymous submission.
All correspondence including manuscripts and/ or inquiries should be sent to the editors and/or the secretariat:
Akihiro IWASHITA, Ph.D
Slavic Research Center,
Hokkaido University
Nishi 7, Kita 9, Kita-ku,
Sapporo, Japan 060-0809
Phone +81-11-706-3314
Fax +81-11-706-4952
Shinkichi FUJIMORI
Slavic Research Center
Hokkaido University
Nishi 7, Kita 9, Kita-ku
Sapporo, Japan 060-0809
Phone +81-11-706-4809
Fax +81-11-706-4952
Instructions to Authors
The Eurasian Border Review
accepts all manuscripts pertaining to border or borderland studies in
the wider Eurasian regions. All manuscripts must be the author's
original work and submission of the article to the EBR
indicates that the manuscript has not been published previously
elsewhere or under review for publication in other journals. Please be
reminded that once the manuscripts are accepted and published all
rights are assigned to the EBR, however, the author retains
the right to reproduce copies for class or any other non-commercial use
and to reproduce the article in books which he/she is an editor or
author. Please refer to the following submission guidelines for further
< Submission Guidelines>
Electronic Submission
1. Please submit manuscripts and images electronically to the editors at or
Electronic text should be formatted using Microsoft word compatible
software. Images and illustrations can be submitted for the review
process, but please include titles or captions. Also, the author is
responsible to provide high resolution images and the permission to
publish them.
2. Please include a cover page including the name of author(s),
institutional affiliation, rank or position as well as name, address,
phone, fax and email of the contact person regarding the manuscript.
Also, please provide a Statement of Intention to ensure that the
manuscript has not been published elsewhere and that the author will
not submit it other journals until he/she receives the final decision
of the editorial board and that the manuscript is not part of a
book-length publication planned to be published in the same year.
3. If you cannot submit your manuscript electronically, please mail
three copies of the manuscript to the following address: Slavic
Research Center, Hokkaido University Nishi 7, Kita 9, Kita-ku, Sapporo,
Japan 060-0809.
1. Manuscripts must be double-spaced using 12-point type (preferably
Times New Roman or Century) and 1.2 inch (or 30mm) left and right
margins, 1.3 inch top (or 35mm) and 1.2 inch (or 30mm) bottom margin
formatted for letter size (8.5 X 11 in.) or A4 size (210 X 297mm),
while footnotes should be formatted using 10.5 point type. The total
length of the article must range between 7500 to 10000 words (or
approx. 35-45 pages) and must include a 150 word abstract at the
beginning of the manuscript.
2. Please use footnotes for citations per The Chicago Manual of Style (http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html)
and provide a separate list of references at the end of the manuscript.
For more information on specific style of citations and references,
please refer to the latest edition of The Chicago Manual of Style (15th ed.; Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003).
3. Please provide a separate electronic file for images and
illustrations (including figures, tables and graph) and indicate
clearly where the images should appear in the text (for example: "Fig.
1 here"). Please note that the author is responsible to provide high
resolution images for publication.
4. Please italicize all foreign words and provide the English
translation. Also, please use the following Romanization: Russian:
Library of Congress; Chinese: Pinyin; Japanese: Hepburn; Korean:
Peer Review, Final Manuscript and Copyright
1. All manuscripts will be peer reviewed by at least two qualified
readers. Please only provide your name on the cover page and leave your
name out from the manuscript to ensure anonymity. Please note that
manuscripts that are regarded to be lacking anonymity will be returned
which may delay the reviewing processes.
2. Once the manuscript is accepted for publication, authors will be
asked to submit the final manuscript with revision by a final deadline
provided by the editors.
3. If the manuscript fails to meet the EBR
standards the editors reserve the right to reject the manuscript.
Responsibility for opinions expressed and the accuracy of facts
published rests solely with the individual author(s).