Journal of Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University

Volume 27 (2009)

List of Contributors

Note 1: Japanese names are listed with surname first.
Note 2: Russian scholars commonly refer to the kandidat degree as a doctorate or PhD.

GERMAN KIM is doctor, professor, and director of the Center for Korean Studies of the Kazakh National University. His main academic interests are related to the historical-demographic aspects of Korean immigration worldwide and the history of the Korean diaspora in Russia, the Soviet Union, and postsoviet space. He has published several monographs and numerous articles in Kazakhstan and abroad. His most significant books are Ethnic Entrepreneurship of Koreans in the USSR and Post Soviet Central Asia (Chiba, 2008); (Area editor) Korean Diaspora: Central Asia, Northeast Asia and North America (New Haven, Connecticut, 2008); История иммиграции корейцев, Vols 1-3 (Almaty, 2006); Hanin imin yoksa (Seoul, 2005); and Koryo Saram: Historiography and Bibliography (Almaty, 2000).

MAKSIM KLYMENTIEV is an independent Slavic scholar from Kyiv, Ukraine and is the author of The First Two Hundred Years of the Gogol World ( He holds an MA from Stony Brook University, State University of New York (SUNYSB) and an ABD from USC, Los Angeles. His interests include nineteenth-century Russian prose, contemporary literary theory, and philosophy.

LIUDMILA MISSONOVA, PhD, is a senior research fellow at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. She is coordinator of the ethnological encyclopedia serial publication entitled Peoples and Cultures (Narody i Kul’tury) (Moscow: Nauka, 1997-2008). She is the author of publications on ethno-social transformations and ethnic identity among the indigenous populations of Kerala (South India), Chukotka, Kamchatka, Evenkia, Iakutia, and Sakhalin (Russia). She is author of the book The Uilta of the Sakhalin Island: Major Problems of a Northern Minority (Moscow, 2006). She has conducted field studies on Sakhalin from 1990 to 2009.

NONAKA SUSUMU is associate professor of Russian Literature at Saitama University. His major topics are Andrei Platonov, Russian Formalism, and Vasily Rozanov. Recently published is “Категориальная ошибка как стилистический принцип Платонова («Котлован»),” Творчество Андрея Платонова, Vol. 4 (St. Petersburg, 2008).

PREDRAG PIPER is professor of Russian Language, Slavistics, and Linguistic Methodology at the School of Philology, University of Belgrade. He is also a corresponding member of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA). His recent books are Увод у славистику 1 (Beograd, 1998); Српски између великих и малих језика (Beograd, 2003); “Српски jезик,” Jужнословенски jезици (Beograd, 2009); and Трагом речи (Beograd, 2009).

ANATOLY REMNEV is professor of the Chair of Russian Pre-revolutionary History, Omsk State University. His recent subject of research is the history of administration of the Russian Empire in the XIX – early XX centuries. His recent publications are Россия Дальнего Востока: Имперская география власти XIX – начала XX веков (Omsk, 2004); and “«Русское дело» на азиатских окраинах: «русскость» под угрозой или «сомнительные культуртрегеры»,” Ab Imperio 2 (2008) (with N.G. Suvorova).

ANDREAS RENNER is private docent at the University of Cologne and an expert on the social history of ideas in Russia. He has recently completed a book on the Transfer of European Medicine to 18th-century Russia (to be published in 2010). His latest research focuses on Russian images of Japan in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

MIKHAIL SHKAROVSKIY is doctor of Historical Sciences, professor, and leading researcher of the Central State Archives in Saint Petersburg. His most recent important publications are Die Kirchenpolitik des Dritten Reiches gegenüber den orthodoxen Kirchen in Osteuropa (1939-1945) (Münster, 2004); La croce e il potere. La Chiesa russa sotto Stalin e Chruščëv (Bergamo, 2003); and Russian Orthodox Church at Stalin and Khrushchov (Moscow, 2000) (in Russian).

GULMIRA SULTANGALIEVA is  professor of History in Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU). Her research interests are comparative analysis of tsarist policies in the Kazakhstan and Volga-Ural region and the role of the Tatar mullahs, translators in the Kazakh steppe (XVIII-XX c.). Her current publications are “Synchronism of the Policy of the Russian Empire towards the Turkic Peoples of the South Urals and Western Kazakhstan, 18th -- First Half of the 19th Century,” Roshiashi Kenkyu (2008); and “Karatolmach, Junior -- Captain Mohammed-Sharif Aitov in the Kazakh Steppe (First Half of XIX c.),” Panorama Evrasii (2008).

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