JAREES: The Japanese Association for Russian and East European Studies
Japan Association for the Study of Russian Language and Literature
JSSEES: The Japanese Society for Slavic and East European Studies
Japanese Society for the Study of Russian History
JAIR; The Japan Association of International Relations
JACES: Japan Association for Comparative Economic Studies
JCAS: Japan Consortium for Area Studies
ICCEES Newsletter
Reference Only
>>> New Announcement
Call for Papers
Fifth East Asian Conference on Slavic-Eurasian Studies
1913-2013 for Eurasia: A Great Experiment or a Lost Century?
9-10 August 2013
Osaka University of Economics and Law
Yao, Osaka
YAO CAMPUS【the Oval】
"We are here to promote human rights,
to contriburte to the world peace."
— Osaka University of Economics and Law
>>>>> Website (English)

Based on the agreement by the fifth ‘summit’ of Slavicist association leaders of East Asia on 4 September (link the minutes), confirmed by the representatives of Indian Slavicists-Eurasia specialists, the Japanese Council for Russian and East European Studies (JCREES), the Korean Association of Slavic Studies (KASS), the Chinese Association for Russian, East European, and Central Asian Studies (CAREECA), we announce that the Fifth East Asian Conference of Slavic-Eurasian Studies will be held on 9-10 August 2013. The conference will take place at Yao Campus of Osaka University of Economics and Law (Yao, Osaka) and is approved as a regional conference of the International Council for Central and East European Studies (ICCEES).
We invite you to participate in the Conference and to submit your proposal for panels and papers.
Registration Fee:
The registration fee of 3,000 Japanese yen (approximately 30 Euro) with a potential transmittance charge has to be
paid in advance. The methods of payment will be announced in the next circular.
An excursion to the old capital of Kyoto is planned for foreign participants. The excursion is free except for meals. If you are interested in the excursion, please, indicate in the proposal form.
Call for Proposals:
On the eve of the First World War, Russian society was developing steadily, and there seemed to be few signs of the revolution. The First World War changed the entire path of its development: the total war caused the systemic change of local government mechanisms, swept away the imperial Russia, and finally resulted in the communist experiment. Here is a big historical ‘if’. If the First World War had not taken place, would Russia with fully developed capitalism have emerged? Or, even if there had not been the war, would Russia have faced other structural problems? Was this century, from 1913 to 2013, a period of the great experiment or a just lost century for Eurasia? This theme covers many historical and contemporary issues from various disciplinary fields.
The topics of panels and individual papers may or may not address this general theme. Panel and paper proposals of any topic in the Slavic-Eurasian studies will be considered.
Guideline for Proposals
- All proposals/panels need to be scholarly in nature. Only proposals approved by the Programme Committee of the 2013 Conference organized by the agreement of the four associations mentioned above will be included in the Conference programme.
- The official languages of the 2013 Conference are English and Russian.
- The language of the administration is English. All the correspondence, proposals, and abstracts have to be in English.
- Panels/papers will be divided into the following categories: 1) history, 2) political science, political economy and economics 3) international relations, 4) sociology and anthropology, 5) literature, linguistics. Panel leaders should indicate which category they prefer to have their panels.
- The allocated time for a panel will normally be 2 hours and 15-20minutes.
- Paper-givers are expected to submit their full paper in due course. With authors’ consent, these papers will be uploaded on the homepage of the conference before the conference.
Proposals for Panels:
Panel leaders should
- Fill in the PANEL PROPOSAL form.
- Identify the category of the panel, e.g. history and historiography, political science and international relations, economics, and culture.
- Note that a panel typically involves a chair, three panellists (maximum), and a discussant.
- Represent the panel as an organizer who is expected to conduct all the necessary communications between the panellists and the Organizing Committee of the 2013 Conference.
- Understand that a panel have to be international in their composition. A panel comprising of participants from a single country will not normally be accepted.
- Include the title of the panel; the name, the rank/position, and the academic affiliation, and the contact details (postal addresses of affiliated institutions including zip code, phone & fax numbers, and email addresses) of the participants and the titles of the papers.
- Include a 150-300 word abstract of the panel, and papers respectively.
- Obtain the consent of panellists and a discussant to participate before submitting the proposal. .
Proposals for Individual Papers.
Those who wish to submit an individual paper should:
- Fill in the INDIVIDUAL PROPOSAL form.
- Identify the category of the paper, e.g. history and historiography, political science and international relations, economics, and culture.
- Include the title of the paper; the name, the rank/position, and the academic affiliation.
- Include a 150-300 word abstract of the paper.
- Be reminded that submission is acceptable only in English.
Procedures for Proposals:
- Proposals should be submitted electronically and be directed to eastasian2013@gmail.com. Only electronically submitted proposals will be accepted.
- The deadline for proposals for panels is 26 April 2013 and for individual papers is 29 March 2013.
>>>>>[ PANEL PROPOSAL FORM (Word file)]
(November 13, 2012)