The Organising Committee announces that an International
Symposium on
'Perestroika and after: Society and State in the Former USSR 1988-1998:
M-BIO - Institute for Humanities and Political Studies Anniversary
is to be held in Moscow. The Symposium will run four plenary meetings:
'The Role of Non-governmental Institutions in Shaping Political Systems
in the late-Soviet and post-Soviet States';
'The Rebirth of Politics in post-Soviet States';
'Political Sciences and Political Practices in the Former Soviet Union';
'The Role of Politics in the Formation of Civil Society in the
late-Soviet and post-Soviet States'.
The Symposium will also run three large panels:
'Post-Soviet Space: Soviet Traditions and Post-Soviet Innovations';
'The Russia of the Regions and the Regions of Russia'; 'History,
Culture and Tradition in Reshaping State and Society'.