David Wolff
Specially Appointed Professor
Russian and Soviet History; Siberia and the Far East; Cold War; Northeast Asian Region Construction
Contact: urufu@slav.hokudai.ac.jp
David Wolff

1991 Ph.D., History, University of California at Berkeley
1981 A.B., History, Harvard University
Field of Study:
David Wolff studies Russian history in the late Imperial and Soviet periods. He has published widely on Russia's relations with "the East", including the Russian Far East, China and Japan. He has edited the English translations of articles by more than a dozen of the top Japanese historians of Russia, including Professors Hara, Takao, Tomita, Wada and Yokote. His articles in Japanese have also appeared in books edited by some of these renowned scholars. His next co-edited volume will be Russia's Great War and Revolution in the Far East, 1914-1922 (Slavica, 2018).
Recent Publications (Selected):
Harubin-eki e: Nichi Chū Ro Kōsaku suru Roshia Manshū no Kindaishi (Revised Japanese edition of the monograph To the Harbin Station: The Liberal Alternative in Russian Manchuria, 1898–1914). Tokyo: Kōdansha, 2014.
Edited Books:
Sugihara Chiune and the Soviet Union: New Documents and Perspectives (with Takao Chizuko and Ilya Altman) (Sapporo, Slavic Eurasian Studies #35, 2022)
Russia's Great War And Revolution In The Far East: Re-Imagining The Northeast Asian Theater, 1914-22 (Russia's Great War And Revolution Series, vol. 4). (with Shinji Yokote and Willard Sunderland) (Bloomington, Indiana, Slavica Publishers, 2018)
SRC at 60: New Historical Materials and Perspectives. (Sapporo,: Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, 2017)
The Interkit Story: A Window into the Final Decades of the Sino-Soviet Relationship (with James Hershberg, Sergey Radchenko, and Peter Vamos) (Cold War International History Project Working Paper, No.63) (Washington, DC, Woodrow Wilson Press, 2011)
World War Zero: The Russo-Japanese War in Global Perspective, Vol. I and Vol. II(with Steinberg, Marks, Menning, Schimmelpenninck, and Yokote) (Brill, Leiden, 2005-7)
Le KGB et les pays baltes (with Gael Moullec) (Belin : Paris, 2005)
Rediscovering Russia in Asia (with Stephen Kotkin) (ME Sharpe: Armonk, NY,1995)
Journal Articles and Book Chapters:
“Japan and Stalin’s Policy toward Northeast Asia after World War II,” Journal of Cold War Studies 15/2 (Spring 2013), pp. 4–29.
(with James Hershberg, Segey Radchenko, Péter Vámos) “The Interkit Story: A Window into the Final Decades of the Sino-Soviet Relationship,” In: Christina F. Ostermann, ed, Cold War International History Project Working Paper, No.63, 2011, pp. 1–144. (Republished in full in Chinese in Lengzhan Guojishi Yanjiu 12 (2012))
“The Postwar Borders of the Soviet Union,” Cahiers du monde russe 52/2-3 (Summer-Fall 2011), pp. 273–292.
“Sutārin: Kokkyō no Otoko,” [Stalin: A Man of Borders]. Kokusai Seiji [International Politics] 162, 2010, pp. 24–40.
“Cultural and Social History on Total War’s Global Battlefield,” Russian Review 67, 2008, pp. 70–77.
Invited Lectures (Selected):
- “Sugihara and Inturist,” Russia’s North Pacific. German Historical Institute, Moscow, Russia (29 March 2018)
- “Slavic Research Center at 60 and the role of the Rockefeller Foundation,” Rockefeller Archives Center, New York, USA (14 November 2017)
- «Россия в великой войне и революции». Взгляд на мегапроект с Востока. Institute of Russian History of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia (9 October 2017)
- “Russo-Chinese Affinities,” Russia’s turn to Asia. Centre for Eastern Studies, Warsaw, Poland (6 October 2017)
- “The Eurasian Revolution of 1917: Russia, China and Western Europe,” Russian Revolution and Western Civilisation Import and Export of Ideologies, Politics, Communities. London School of Economics, London, UK (26 February 2017)
Courses Taught:
- Imperial Russian History
- Soviet History
Grants and Fellowships:
- Humboldt Research Award (2023)
- Multi-Archival Analysis of Critical Junctures in Post-war Northeast Asia (JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research A, 2019–2023)
- Russo-Chinese Relations: Researching Rapprochement (JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research B, 2015–2019)
- Northeast Asia in the Cold War: New Materials and Perspectives (JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research A, 2009–2012)
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