Manabu Sengoku
Comparative politics; Political economy; Welfare policies; East European Politics
Contact: m-sengoku@slav.hokudai.ac.jp
Personal Website: http://www004.upp.so-net.ne.jp/m-sengoku/
Manabu Sengoku

1994 Ph.D. in International Relations requirement completed, University of Tokyo
1989 M.A., International Relations, University of Tokyo
1987 B.A., Russian Studies, University of Tokyo
Field of Study:
I am a specialist in Eastern European politics and economy. I have been studying the welfare and economic policies of East European countries from a comparative perspective and has edited several books related to this research, including The Great Dispersion: The Many Fates of Post-Communist Society (2018). Recently, I have also been comparing the economic policies between post-communist countries and other newly-emerging countries in Latin America, East Asia, and South Europe. I served as a visiting professor of Hokkaido University (2001, 2005, 2011), the University of Tokyo (2005–2006), and Kyoto University (2009–2010), and as a research fellow in the Center for Russian, European, and Eurasian Studies at the University of Birmingham, UK (2002-2003). I also served as a Councilor of the Japanese Political Science Association (2014-2017) and now serve as the Vice President of the Japan Association for Comparative Politics (2018-2020)
Recent Publications (Selected):
Monograph:Political change and party politics in Central Eastern Europe, Tokyo; Tokyo University Press, 2021 (in Japanese).Edited Books:
The Great Dispersion: The Many Fates of Post-Communist Society. Sapporo: Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, 2018.
Post-Neoliberal Era? Search for a New Political and Economic Order. Kyoto: Kyoto University Press, 2017 (in Japanese).
(with Yusuke Murakami) The Actual Spot of Neoliberalism: Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, and Latin America. Kyoto: Kyoto University Press, 2013 (in Japanese).
(with Tadayuki Hayashi) Politics and Economy of Post-Communist Countries in Comparative Perspective. Sapporo: Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, 2011 (in Japanese).
Journal Articles and Book Chapters:
“Post-Communist Transition from Japan: How Beneficiaries Became Partners,” In Ostap Kushnir and Oleksandr Pankieiev, eds., Meandering in Transition: Thirty Years of Reforms and Identity in Post-Communist Europe. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2021, pp.315-329.
“2015 parliamentary election in Poland: does the migrant/refugee issue matter?” Journal of the Graduate School of Letters (Hokkaido University), vol 13, 2018, pp.35-47.
“Coping with a declining birthrate: Comparing Eastern Europe with Japan,” In: Manabu Sengoku, ed., The Great Dispersion: The Many Fates of Post-Communist Society. Sapporo: Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, 2018, pp. 23–43.
“Welfare state institutions and welfare politics in Central and Eastern Europe: the political background to institutional diversity,” In: Tadayuki Hayashi and Atsushi Ogushi, eds., Post-Communist Transformations: The Countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Russia in Comparative Perspective. Sapporo: Slavic Research Center, 2008, pp. 145–178.
“Emerging Eastern European welfare states: a variant of the ‘European’ welfare model?” In: Shinichiro Tabata and Akihiro Iwashita, eds., Slavic Eurasia’s Integration into the World Economy and Community. Sapporo: Slavic Research Center, 2004, pp. 229–255.
“Local Government and the State: change and continuity of the local system in Poland,” In: Osamu Ieda, ed., The Emerging Local Governments in Eastern Europe and Russia: Historical and Post-Communist Developments. Hiroshima: Keisuisha, 2000, pp. 55–84.
Courses Taught:
- Comparative Politics
- International Relations
- East European Politics and Economy
- Comparative Politics of East European Countries
Grants and Fellowships:
- Correlation between Changes in Political Parties and Changes in Social Policy (JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research A, 2020–2023)
- Comparative Political Economy of Emerging Democratic Countries (JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research B, 2016–2019)
- Welfare and Economic Policies of Central and East European Countries (JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research C, 2012–2014)
- Welfare Regimes of Central and East European Countries (JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research C, 2009–2011)
- Policy Changes of Central and East European Countries after EU Accession (JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research C, 2006–2008)
- Organizer of International Symposium of SRC “25 Years After: Post-Communism’s Vibrant Diversity” (December 2016)
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