Daisuke Adachi
Associate Professor
Modern Russian literature, and culture; History of representation in 19th-century Russian literature.
Contact: adaisuke@slav.hokudai.ac.jp
Daisuke Adachi

2013 Ph.D., Russian Literature, University of Tokyo
2002 M.A., Russian Literature, University of Tokyo
2000 B.A., Russian Literature, University of Tokyo
Field of Study:
I received my education in Russian literature and culture in Tokyo. After having learned the structuralist and post-structuralist approaches to the subject, I continued my study at the Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH), Moscow, where one of the most prominent scholars of Russian romanticism (especially Gogol), Prof. Iu Mann, trained me in strictly close and critical text reading. In my Ph.D. dissertation titled “Reviving Traces: Problems of Self-Reflection in Gogol’s Semiotic System,” I combined these various ways of reading and presented a constellation of the multiple layers of Gogol’s writings: 18th-century classical epistemology; German romantic criticism; early photography; and 20th-century semiotics. The content will be published with modifications and editing.
My research is broadly concerned with reinterpreting and rewriting the history of representation in 19th-century Russian literature—rethinking the literature as media, especially in terms of language, image, body, and technical conditions. My work ranges from the poetics of Gogol and media of his time to Russian romantic irony, Karamzin’s geo-cultural concept of translation, and Soviet theories of piano playing. I am currently working on the representation of gesture in 19th-century Russian literature, a comparative study of Russian and Asian melodrama, and Slavophile linguistic philosophy.
Related Sites:
Journal Articles and Book Chapters:
“Melodrama and War after Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine,” Japanese Slavic and East European Studies 43, 2023, pp. 13-26.
Язык и поэтика Гоголя в трудах В. В. Виноградова по истори и русского литературного языка // Грамматика в обществе, общество в грам матике: Исследования по нормативной грамматике славянских языков. Под ре дакцией М. Номати, С. Киёсавы. М.: Издательский дом ЯСК, 2021. С. 99-124.
Гоголь и мелодрама (к постановке проблемы) // Філологічні науки. №31. С. 5-11. 2019.
“Translation and its Outside in Karamzin’s Early Essays,” In: Michiko Kanazawa, ed., Aspects of the 18th Century Russian Literature. Tokyo: Suiseisha, 2016, pp. 123–146. (in Japanese)
“A Shift from Seeing a Table to Listening to the Voice of its Traces: Gogol’s Grammatology,” Slavistika 31, 2016, pp. 273–297. (in Japanese)
“Gesture of Trace: Rethinking ‘The Photographic’ in Gogol’s Writing,” Hitotsubashi Journal of Arts and Sciences 56:1, 2015, pp. 55–68.
“Evolution of Self-Reflection in Gogol’s ‘Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends’,” Surabu Kenkyu (Slavic Studies) 58, 2011, pp. 159–195. (in Japanese)
Романтическая ирония в «Выбранных местах из переписки с друзьями» Н. В. Гоголя. // Проблемы литературного пародирования. Выпуск 2. (Материалы международной научной конференции «Поэтика пародирования: серьезное/смешное»). Самара: Самарский государственный университет, 2011, C. 96–100.
К построению модели изучения литературных салонов и кружков в истории русской литературы конца XVIII-начала XIX века. Selected Articles of the 1st International Conference of Slavic Languages, Literatures and Cultures. Taipei: Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures of National Chengchi University, 2009, 287–304.
“Of the Controversy over Conscious Control of Body Movement in 1920’s-1930’s Soviet Theories of Piano Playing,” Slavistika 24, 2008, 63–78. (in Japanese)
“Poprishchin as a Writing Medium: Gogolʼs ‘Diary of a Madman’ and the Transformation of Literary Confession,” Bulletin of the Japanese Association of Russian Studies 38, 2006, 88–96. (in Japanese)
Courses Taught:
- Russian and Soviet Melodrama
- “Reading Ostrovsky's Play,” “Reading Russian Melodramatic Imagination,” Lecture
- “Introduction to the Stylistics of Literature (Soviet Formalism, Vinogradov, Zhirmunskii, Engelgardt, Bakhtin and others),” “Russian Melodrama,” Seminar
- Slavic-Eurasian Multidisciplinary Studies (Seminar)
- Gogol and Image
- Russian Romantic literature and love
- Gesture in 19th century Russian literature
- Gesture in Russian and Soviet cinema
- Elementary Russian
- Intermediate Russian
- Advanced Russian
Grants and Fellowships:
- A Comprehensive Study on the Melodramatic Imagination in Russian and Former Soviet Culture (JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research B, 2019-2023)
- Hokkaido University Research Exchange Program with the University of British Columbia (2018)
- Comprehensive Study on the Relationship between Language and Gesture in 19th-century Russian Literature (JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Young Scientists B, 2015–2019)
- Confession as Literary Genre in Russian Romantic Literature (JREX Fellowship Program, 2011–2012)
- Study of Russian Romantic Literature as Modern Reading Media: Focusing on the Society Tale (JSPS Excellent Young Researcher Overseas Visit Program, 2010)
- Study of Russian Romantic Literature as Modern Reading Media: Focusing on the Society Tale (Grants-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows PD, 2009–2011)
- 1. Constructing a Study Model of Literary Salons and Circles in the History of Russian Literature from the Late 18th-century to the Early 19th-century 2. Writing the History of Reading and Rethinking the Concept of History of Literature (Russian Government Scholarship, 2008)
- Study of Russian Romantic Literature as Modern Reading Media: Focusing on the Society Tale (Konosuke Matsushita Memorial Foundation Research Grant, 2008)
- Transformation of the Image of Literary Salon Reader in Russian Literature from the End of the 18th-century to the First Half of the 19th-century (MEXT Scholarship for Long-term Study Abroad, 2006–2007)
- Transformation of the Image of Literary Salon Reader in the Process of the Formation of Russian Literature from the End of the 18th-century to the First Half of the 19th-century (Grants-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows DC2, 2004–2005)
- Editorial Board, INCSA book series (2023 – present) https://in-csa.com/publications/
- Редакционная коллегия, Славистика (2023 – present) http://casopis.slavistickodrustvo.org.rs/ru/redakcionna%d1%8f-kollegi%d1%8f-zurnala-slavistika/
- Secretary, Japanese Association of Slavists (2022 – present)
- Advisory Board Member, International Nineteenth-Century Studies Association (INCSA) (2021 – present) https://in-csa.com/about/governance/
- Steering Committee Member, Centre for Nineteenth-Century Studies International (CNCSI) (2021 – present) https://cn-csi.com/about/
- Редакційна колегія, Філологічні науки (2020 - present) http://philstudies.pnpu.edu.ua/index
- Head, Foreign Visitors Fellowship Program (FVFP) of Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University (2020 - present) https://src-h.slav.hokudai.ac.jp/fvfp/index1.html
- Secretary, Japan Association for the Study of Russian Language and Literature (2018-2022) http://yaar.jpn.org/
- Steering Committee Member, Japan Consortium for Area Studies (JCAS) (2018–2020, Vice-Chair2020)
- Editorial Committee, Slavic Studies (in Japanese) (2018–present)
- Editorial Committee, Acta Slavica Iaponica (2018–present)
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