Slavic Research Center Professor Tomohiko
Uyama recipient of the 2010 Daido Life Award for Encouragement of Area

Professor Tomohiko Uyama has been awarded the 2010 Daido Life Award for
Encouragement of Area Studies for his contribution to the development
of modern Central Asian studies in Japan. The aim of this prize,
established by the Daido Life Foundation in 1986, is to encourage area
studies on a global scale.
The award selection committee recognized Professor
Uyama’s pioneering efforts in the studies of modern Central Asia, his
research based on vast amount of materials in Central Asian languages,
and his publications both in Japanese and foreign languages that have
promoted the understanding of Central Asia in Japan and heightened the
level of Central Asian studies both in Japan and internationally.
Announcement on the winners of the 2010 Daido Life
Award for Area Studies
(in Japanese, PDF format)
List of past awardees (in Japanese)