Slavic Research Center Seminar (August 18, 2008)
The Soviet Factor in Postwar US-Japan Territorial Issues: Amami,
Ogasawara, and Okinawa during the Cold War
Robert D. Eldridge
Dr. Robert D.
Eldridge, an associate professor at Osaka
of International Public Policy
and a
visiting associate professor at the Slavic
for the 2008 Academic Year, gave a presentation on August 18, 2008, at
the SRC
on the research he is conducting during his stay at
The title of his talk was “The Soviet Factor in Postwar U.S.-Japan
Issues: Amami, Ogasawara, and Okinawa
the Cold War.” The session was co-chaired by professors Rihito Yamamura
David Wolff, and attended by a dozen members of the SRC.
discussing his research and interest in U.S.-Japan relations and in the
island groups, which began more than a decade ago, Eldridge gave a
comparative overview
of the reversion processes for each of the three island groups—Amami in
Ogasawara in 1968, and Okinawa in 1972. Eldridge based his comparisons
on books
he has written about the first two groups of islands (The
Return of the Amami Islands: The Reversion Movement and U.S.-Japan
Relations, Lexington Books, 2004; also available in Japanese as Amami Henkan to Nichibei Kankei, Nanpo
Shinsha, 2003, and Iwo Jima to Ogasawara
o Meguru Nichibei Kankei, Nanpo Shinsha, 2008 (Iwo Jima
and Ogasawara in U.S.-Japan Relations: American Strategy,
Japanese Territory, and the Islanders In-between, forthcoming in
and on preparations he has made for a third book about the reversion of
he is hoping to complete in or by 2012, and which is a sequel to his
earlier The Origins of the Bilateral Okinawa
Problem: Okinawa in Postwar U.S.-Japan Relations, 1945-1952
(Garland, 2001).
Eldridge next
turned to explaining the four categories of the “Soviet factor” he was
at concerning policies on Japanese territories administered by the United States
beyond the generic phrase, “Cold War.” The categories he has identified
(1) Political (influence of Soviet Union on Japanese political parties
reversion movements; make-up of reversion movements); (2) Diplomatic
(when and
how was the Soviet Union cited by both Japan and the U.S. to get the
other to
do something); (3) Military (strategic and tactical levels, war
basing, etc.); and (4) Public opinion (Soviet influence on Japanese and
international media). He then went on to cite specific examples from
each of
the categories
45-minute talk was
followed by another 45 minutes of discussion, with questions and
comments from Wolff
and SRC Director Akihiro Iwashita
