Report on Special Symposium ¡ÈOkinawa and Border Studies: Futenma, Senkaku Islands, and Osprey¡É (4 Nov, Chukyo¡¡Univ.)
A special symposium titled ¡ÈOkinawa and Border Studies: Futenma, Senkaku Islands, and Osprey¡É co-sponsored by Chukyo University and the Global COE Program at the Slavic Research Centre, Hokkaido University was held at Chukyo University in Nagoya, Japan. The symposium was divided into two parts.
First part was the DVD showing of ¡ÈA Shaken Border: Okinawa and Senkaku Islands¡É followed by a short presentation by GCOE chief organizer, Professor Akihiro Iwashita. He talked about the various achievements of the GCOE program as well as the importance of establishing a network of border regions within Japan as well as with networks outside Japan.
The second part consisted of a presentation by Mr. Tomohiro Yara (freelance writer, former journalist at Okinawa Times) titled, ¡ÈThe Okinawa Issue: Why it cannot be resolved¡É. The presentation touched upon various issues including the historical background to the American bases in Okinawa, the relation between the base and Japan¡Çs defense policy, US-Japan alliance, realignment and the Marine Corps issue, and the inconsistency of stationing the American bases in Okinawa because it does not really pose as military deterrence. He concluded that one of the major reasons why the Okinawa issue still remains unsolved is because of Japanese domestic political reasons of pushing all the burden of hosting the US bases in Okinawa and the rest of Japan not willing to share the burden.
There were many questions raised by the audience including questions on what is necessary for the solution of the Okinawa issue, why the Japanese media does not focus on the American base issue in Okinawa and what kind of grand scheme is possible for the resolution of the Okinawa base issue.
The overall attendance of 250 people demonstrated the heightening interest on Okinawa and border related issue.
Written by: Naomi Chi (Public Policy School Hokkaido University)

First part was the DVD showing of ¡ÈA Shaken Border: Okinawa and Senkaku Islands¡É followed by a short presentation by GCOE chief organizer, Professor Akihiro Iwashita. He talked about the various achievements of the GCOE program as well as the importance of establishing a network of border regions within Japan as well as with networks outside Japan.
The second part consisted of a presentation by Mr. Tomohiro Yara (freelance writer, former journalist at Okinawa Times) titled, ¡ÈThe Okinawa Issue: Why it cannot be resolved¡É. The presentation touched upon various issues including the historical background to the American bases in Okinawa, the relation between the base and Japan¡Çs defense policy, US-Japan alliance, realignment and the Marine Corps issue, and the inconsistency of stationing the American bases in Okinawa because it does not really pose as military deterrence. He concluded that one of the major reasons why the Okinawa issue still remains unsolved is because of Japanese domestic political reasons of pushing all the burden of hosting the US bases in Okinawa and the rest of Japan not willing to share the burden.
There were many questions raised by the audience including questions on what is necessary for the solution of the Okinawa issue, why the Japanese media does not focus on the American base issue in Okinawa and what kind of grand scheme is possible for the resolution of the Okinawa base issue.
The overall attendance of 250 people demonstrated the heightening interest on Okinawa and border related issue.
Written by: Naomi Chi (Public Policy School Hokkaido University)