Global COE Head Iwashita becomes a member of CIGI”Ēs East Asia-Arctic Relations Project
Professor Akihiro Iwashita has become a member of the East Asia-Arctic Relations: Boundary, Security and International Politics project, headed by the independent Canadian think tank, The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI).
The Arctic Circle and its rich natural resources is gaining attention from Japan, China and Korea in addition to those states, the USA, Canada, Russia, Norway and Denmark, that border the Arctic Sea, and with disputes over sovereignty and resource access, is becoming a big issue in border research.
The projects first workshop is scheduled to take place in Canada at Whitehorse and Waterloo in March 2013.

The Arctic Circle and its rich natural resources is gaining attention from Japan, China and Korea in addition to those states, the USA, Canada, Russia, Norway and Denmark, that border the Arctic Sea, and with disputes over sovereignty and resource access, is becoming a big issue in border research.
The projects first workshop is scheduled to take place in Canada at Whitehorse and Waterloo in March 2013.