¡ÈCommunication in the Arctic, the Saami across the Borders¡É Museum Exhibition opens next week
The seventh exhibition of the Global COE program Reshaping Japan's Border Studies, entitled ¡ÈCommunication in the Arctic, the Saami across the Borders¡É, opens on Friday, May 25th at the Hokkaido University Museum. It shall devote itself to introducing the history and lifestyles of the Saami, the native inhabitants of a vast territorial area divided today amongst the states of Finland, Norway, Russia and Sweden. The exhibit will be held at the Global COE booth on the second floor of the Hokkaido University Museum.

Our successful open seminar series shall run in conjunction with this exhibit, starting from Saturday, May 26th, whilst film seminars focusing on the Saami shall be held from June. These events shall take place at the Information Exchange Corner on the first floor of the Museum.
Both the exhibition itself and the seminars are free and open to everybody, and we look forward to you dropping by!

Our successful open seminar series shall run in conjunction with this exhibit, starting from Saturday, May 26th, whilst film seminars focusing on the Saami shall be held from June. These events shall take place at the Information Exchange Corner on the first floor of the Museum.
Both the exhibition itself and the seminars are free and open to everybody, and we look forward to you dropping by!