Information on the International Political Science Association¡Çs 2012 Conference
In July 2012, the 22nd International Political Science Association Conference will be held in Madrid. The following information is courtesy of Professor Yamazaki, Head of Political and Cultural Geography at Osaka City University.
International Political Science Association (IPSA) Research Committee
(RC) 15 on Political and Cultural Geography will be held in Madrid 2012.
The information about accepted panels for all RC's is now available at:
RC15 has accepted six excellent panels for the 2012 Madrid Congress.
They are posted at:
There is one more important panel organized jointly with RC41 on
Geopolitics at:
If you are interested to participate, you can submit your paper proposal
(abstract) to one of these panels. For rules for participation, please
look at:
For more Information, please contact:
YAMAZAKI Takashi, Ph.D.
Department of Geography
Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences
Osaka City University
E-mail: yamataka(a)lit.osaka-cu.ac.jp
International Political Science Association (IPSA) Research Committee
(RC) 15 on Political and Cultural Geography will be held in Madrid 2012.
The information about accepted panels for all RC's is now available at:
RC15 has accepted six excellent panels for the 2012 Madrid Congress.
They are posted at:
There is one more important panel organized jointly with RC41 on
Geopolitics at:
If you are interested to participate, you can submit your paper proposal
(abstract) to one of these panels. For rules for participation, please
look at:
For more Information, please contact:
YAMAZAKI Takashi, Ph.D.
Department of Geography
Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences
Osaka City University
E-mail: yamataka(a)lit.osaka-cu.ac.jp