GCOE-JASRLL Joint Publication "Cross-Border Tolstoy"
On the 6th November 2010, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Leo Tolstoy﹊s death, the Japan Association for the Study of Russian Language and Literature (JASRLL) held an international symposium entitled "Cross Border Tolstoy (妣快志 妥抉抖扼找抉抄 扼抗志抉戒抆 把批忌快忪我 我 技快忪我)" at Kumamoto Gakuen University, subsidised by the Japan Foundation (Grant Program for Intellectual Exchange Conference) and the Global COE Program "Reshaping Japan's Border Studies." JASRLL and the Global COE Program jointly published the symposium﹊s proceedings, under the editorship of NAKAMURA Tadashi (Associate Professor at Yamagata University and Visiting Professor at the Slavic Research Center).
The publication includes a number of interesting papers, such as "妥抉抖扼找抉志扼抗我快 忍快把抉我扶我 我 扶快扭把快抉忱抉抖我技抑快 «忍把忘扶我扯抑»" by SATO Yusuke (Moscow State University), "坏我忘抖抉忍我 戒忘 折快把找抉抄 抉扼快忱抖抉扼找我: 妥抉抖扼找抉抄 我 快志把快抄扼抗我抄 志抉扭把抉扼" by Inessa Medzhibovskaya (New School in NY), "Tolstoy and Neuroscience" by Seog Young Joong (Korea University), and "«孝抒抉忱 » 我 扼技快把找抆 妣.妖. 妥抉抖扼找抉忍抉 志 忍忘戒快找扶抑抒 扭抉抖快技我抗忘抒" by Aleksandr Aleksandrov (Institute of Literature, Russian Academy of Science).It also reproduces comments to the papers and discussions that took place at the symposium (in Russian and English).
To view the publication, please click the link.
The publication includes a number of interesting papers, such as "妥抉抖扼找抉志扼抗我快 忍快把抉我扶我 我 扶快扭把快抉忱抉抖我技抑快 «忍把忘扶我扯抑»" by SATO Yusuke (Moscow State University), "坏我忘抖抉忍我 戒忘 折快把找抉抄 抉扼快忱抖抉扼找我: 妥抉抖扼找抉抄 我 快志把快抄扼抗我抄 志抉扭把抉扼" by Inessa Medzhibovskaya (New School in NY), "Tolstoy and Neuroscience" by Seog Young Joong (Korea University), and "«孝抒抉忱 » 我 扼技快把找抆 妣.妖. 妥抉抖扼找抉忍抉 志 忍忘戒快找扶抑抒 扭抉抖快技我抗忘抒" by Aleksandr Aleksandrov (Institute of Literature, Russian Academy of Science).It also reproduces comments to the papers and discussions that took place at the symposium (in Russian and English).
To view the publication, please click the link.