CALL FOR PAPERS! Pre-symposium seminar for young researchers
We are pleased to announce a call for papers for a pre-symposium seminar session for young researchers in border studies to be held on December 3, 2010 to kick off the winter symposium hosted by the GCOE Program ¡ÈReshaping Japan¡Çs Border Studies¡É between December 3-5, 2010.
Last year¡Çs winter symposium brought together the global community of border studies to present and discuss current trends and issues in border studies in Europe and North America. This year¡Çs symposium will bring together the global community once again to discuss the application of border studies theories, contradictions that emerge, as well as focus on the potentials and challenges of border studies in the social sciences.
The aim of the pre-symposium seminar is to provide an arena for young researchers (post-doctoral to junior researchers) to introduce their work among border studies scholars from around the world, promote the exchange of opinions and ideas, as well as to facilitate the building of networks among the global community.
We are planning to select 3-5 papers for this seminar and successful panellists will be provided a round trip coach airfare to and from their city and Sapporo, local accommodation and other additional costs (such as the field studies trip scheduled on Dec. 5). Also, successful panellists will be asked to submit their manuscript for our periodical Eurasia Border Review as part of the condition of the sponsorship.
Although the theme of this year¡Çs symposium will be centred around the convergence and/or divergence across borders around the world, papers dealing with a wide range of aspects related to borders are most welcome.
At this time, we cordially invite you to submit an abstract (250-300 words max.) and a C.V. by no later than October 15, 2010 and a full paper by November 20, 2010. Successful candidates will be notified no later than October 22, 2010. Please click on the image below (please enlarge when viewing) for the tentative schedule of the 2010 winter symposium. Please note that the schedule is subject to change.
Please submit your abstract and C.V. to Naomi Chi (chi@borderstudies.jp). All inquiries can also be sent to the above email as well.

Last year¡Çs winter symposium brought together the global community of border studies to present and discuss current trends and issues in border studies in Europe and North America. This year¡Çs symposium will bring together the global community once again to discuss the application of border studies theories, contradictions that emerge, as well as focus on the potentials and challenges of border studies in the social sciences.
The aim of the pre-symposium seminar is to provide an arena for young researchers (post-doctoral to junior researchers) to introduce their work among border studies scholars from around the world, promote the exchange of opinions and ideas, as well as to facilitate the building of networks among the global community.
We are planning to select 3-5 papers for this seminar and successful panellists will be provided a round trip coach airfare to and from their city and Sapporo, local accommodation and other additional costs (such as the field studies trip scheduled on Dec. 5). Also, successful panellists will be asked to submit their manuscript for our periodical Eurasia Border Review as part of the condition of the sponsorship.
Although the theme of this year¡Çs symposium will be centred around the convergence and/or divergence across borders around the world, papers dealing with a wide range of aspects related to borders are most welcome.
At this time, we cordially invite you to submit an abstract (250-300 words max.) and a C.V. by no later than October 15, 2010 and a full paper by November 20, 2010. Successful candidates will be notified no later than October 22, 2010. Please click on the image below (please enlarge when viewing) for the tentative schedule of the 2010 winter symposium. Please note that the schedule is subject to change.
Please submit your abstract and C.V. to Naomi Chi (chi@borderstudies.jp). All inquiries can also be sent to the above email as well.