Announcement: 2010 Association for Borderlands Studies Conference Programme
The programme for the 2010 Association for Borderlands Studies Annual Conference (April 14-17, Reno Nevada) has been uploaded onto the ABS website.
The following three presentations will be delivered at the conference: (Panel, Name and Affiliation, Title of Presentation)
(GCOE Travel Grant Recipients)
April 15th (Thurs): Historical Perspectives on Borders and Revolutions: 19th/20th Century
Yuka Mizutani (Post Doctoral Researcher, Hokkaido Univ.)
"Media on the U.S.-Mexican Border: How Newspapers Described the Yaqui People"
April 16th (Fri): Representation, Territoriality and Transnational Negotiations
Yuki Sato (Research Assistant, Waseda Univ.)
"The Unawareness of Residing on the Borderline: A Case Study on the Ogasawara Islands"
(GCOE Member)
April 16th (Fri): Representation, Territoriality and Transnational Negotiations
Naomi Chi (Assistant Professor, Slavic Research Centre, Hokkaido University)
"Borders in Representation: Case of Museum Exhibition at the Hokkaido University"
Please visit http://www.absborderlands.org/pdfs/abs_program2010.pdf for the detailed programme.
The following three presentations will be delivered at the conference: (Panel, Name and Affiliation, Title of Presentation)
(GCOE Travel Grant Recipients)
April 15th (Thurs): Historical Perspectives on Borders and Revolutions: 19th/20th Century
Yuka Mizutani (Post Doctoral Researcher, Hokkaido Univ.)
"Media on the U.S.-Mexican Border: How Newspapers Described the Yaqui People"
April 16th (Fri): Representation, Territoriality and Transnational Negotiations
Yuki Sato (Research Assistant, Waseda Univ.)
"The Unawareness of Residing on the Borderline: A Case Study on the Ogasawara Islands"
(GCOE Member)
April 16th (Fri): Representation, Territoriality and Transnational Negotiations
Naomi Chi (Assistant Professor, Slavic Research Centre, Hokkaido University)
"Borders in Representation: Case of Museum Exhibition at the Hokkaido University"
Please visit http://www.absborderlands.org/pdfs/abs_program2010.pdf for the detailed programme.