Announcement: Joint Forum "Regional Security and Okinawa in the U.S.-Japan Alliance"
The GCOE, East West Center and Sasagawa Peace Foundation USA invite you to the Joint Forum "Regional Security and Okinawa in the U.S.-Japan Alliance" which will take place March 9th at the East West Center in Washington D.C. The details of the forum are as follows:
Date: March 9, 2010 (Tues) 9:30-14:00
Venue: Cosmos Club, Powell Room at the East West Center
2121 Massachusetts Avenue N.W., Washington DE.C.
Presenters: Shinichi Ogawa (Ritsumeikan Pacific Univ.)
Eiichi Katahara (National Institute of Defense Studies)
Manabu Sato (Okinawa International Univ.)
Tomohiro Yara (Okinawa Times)
Discussants: Rust M. Deming (Johns Hopkins Univ.)
James E. Auer (Vanderbilt Institute for Public Policy Studies)
Sheila A. Smith (Council on Foreign Relations)
Moderator: Akihiro Iwashita (Hokkaido Univ.)
Keynote Speaker: Derek J. Mitchell (Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Office of the Secretary of Defense)
Contact: Loren Hoeskstra (RSVPDC@EastWestCenter.org) Please RSVP to the above email address including your name, title, organization, address, phone number, email and country of citizenship.

Date: March 9, 2010 (Tues) 9:30-14:00
Venue: Cosmos Club, Powell Room at the East West Center
2121 Massachusetts Avenue N.W., Washington DE.C.
Presenters: Shinichi Ogawa (Ritsumeikan Pacific Univ.)
Eiichi Katahara (National Institute of Defense Studies)
Manabu Sato (Okinawa International Univ.)
Tomohiro Yara (Okinawa Times)
Discussants: Rust M. Deming (Johns Hopkins Univ.)
James E. Auer (Vanderbilt Institute for Public Policy Studies)
Sheila A. Smith (Council on Foreign Relations)
Moderator: Akihiro Iwashita (Hokkaido Univ.)
Keynote Speaker: Derek J. Mitchell (Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Office of the Secretary of Defense)
Contact: Loren Hoeskstra (RSVPDC@EastWestCenter.org) Please RSVP to the above email address including your name, title, organization, address, phone number, email and country of citizenship.